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  • It takes much courage to stand up to lies when it seems that so many in government, education, and the wider culture want to silence the truth. But our clients know that the truth— God’s truth—is precious and cannot be compromised. They also know they aren’t alone because they also have the encouragement and support of our faithful monthly partners. Through the generosity of Ministry Friends like you, our clients can help defend freedom for every American in court without paying a dime in expensive legal fees. Take Jessica Bates, a mom of five in Oregon. With the help of faithful monthly ...
  • Our case against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will very soon be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. All Americans should be able to agree: That federal agencies must follow the law. That the FDA’s job is to ensure safety. But the FDA hasn’t followed the law—it unlawfully removed vital safety standards for the use of high-risk abortion drugs. And it isn’t keeping women and girls safe—the FDA’s own label on these drugs admit that roughly one in 25 women who take them will end up in the emergency room. Yet the FDA eliminated all in-person doctor visits to check for ectopic pregnancies ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Senior Vice President of Corporate Engagement Jeremy Tedesco regarding documents procured by the U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government which reveal that, as part of its efforts to urge financial institutions to monitor their customers to identify domestic threats, the U.S. Department of the Treasury shared a list of “hate groups” published by the hyper-partisan Institute for Strategic Dialogue. The list includes ADF and numerous other mainstream ...
  • Liam Morrison couldn’t have imagined that he would be spending some of his middle school years in a courtroom helping to protect free speech for other students. But for Liam, the truth is worth it. At 12, he’s shown more courage than some adults. Now, he has a message of thanks to all the Ministry Friends who have helped support his case for freedom. Liam is a student at Nichols Middle School in Massachusetts. During his time there, he’s watched his school host celebrations of “Pride Week” and even encourage students to participate. But Liam believes the truth that gender is not based on our ...
  • Women face severe, even life-threatening, harm because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disregarded their health and safety. By removing safety standards it once provided to women using abortion drugs, the FDA recklessly endangered them. And because of the FDA’s lawless actions, women and girls across the country have suffered. This spring, we’re asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hold the FDA accountable. We’re representing pro-women doctors who have witnessed firsthand the harm to women and girls caused by what the FDA has done. Will you stand with Alliance Defending Freedom and these ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding the Wyoming Legislature’s passage of HB 148, a bill that protects maternal health and the unborn: “Every human life is valuable, and every baby deserves to be protected. We are glad that Wyoming continues to enact laws that promote the safety and wellbeing of mothers and preserve the lives of children. This legislation specifically ensures that abortion facilities meet the same health and safety standards as other ambulatory surgical centers and that ultrasounds are performed prior to ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Senior Vice President of Corporate Engagement Jeremy Tedesco regarding a multi-state letter, led by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, which calls upon Wells Fargo to provide necessary transparency into policies that allow for discriminatory de-banking, as well as racial discrimination under the guise of so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion” policies: “Denying basic financial services to people based on their political or religious beliefs is un-American. Banks are using ‘reputational risk’ or ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Erik Baptist regarding a correction YouTube made to its “context” disclaimer on videos ADF posted on the platform explaining the serious harms abortion drugs can cause women. YouTube made the change after receiving a letter on Monday from 16 state attorneys general asking it to correct or remove the misleading disclaimer: “Women deserve to know the truth about the risks posed by abortion drugs, which is why first-hand accounts like the ones ADF posted on YouTube are so vital. Thanks to the leadership of state ...
  • ADF attorneys available for media interviews prior to, following hearing Thursday
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Mathew Hoffmann regarding the State University of New York Cortland Student Government Association’s decision Monday to approve a Turning Point USA chapter as an officially recognized club after the student government originally voted to withhold recognized status from it: “SUNY Cortland students Gabriella Delorenzo and Megan Rothmund worked hard to form a TPUSA chapter at the university to bring together students who value freedom, free markets, and limited government. The Student Government Association rightly ...