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Showing 2257 results for "9th circuit urged uphold first amendment freedoms investigative journalists"
  • Could a church or a ministry near you be in danger of losing access to its financial accounts? For this Memphis-based church and ministry, it happened so abruptly. Without warning or explanation, Bank of America sent a letter to Indigenous Advance Ministries to notify them that its accounts were being closed. The ministry provides aid to impoverished orphans, widows, youth, and other at-risk populations in Uganda. The bank also targeted Servants of Christ church, which partners with the ministry. Bank of America told them they had 30 days to find a new bank and switch, and just a few weeks ...
  • Help ensure your constitutional rights always have a strong legal defense. DONATE NOW The Colorado Supreme Court has agreed to hear the latest case against cake artist Jack Phillips and his Masterpiece Cakeshop. Will you help fuel his defense? In the third lawsuit targeting Jack and his business, the Colorado Court of Appeals affirmed a judgment punishing Jack for not designing a custom pink-and-blue cake celebrating a gender transition that an activist attorney requested. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys appealed that decision to the state’s high court, which will hear the case. But we ...
  • Help ensure your constitutional rights always have a strong legal defense.
  • … on which our liberty was built. And that leaves your freedoms under threat.  That’s why courageous people who are …
  • Coercing Lorie to express what she does not believe is downright unconstitutional. With assistance from the attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom, Lorie has taken her case to the Supreme Court, where she is standing to set a firm precedent for the free-speech rights of every American. She’ll stand against both the State of Colorado and the Biden administration, both of whom are fighting to deny her the right to speak freely. This type of government coercion can affect anyone—including you and your family. Please sign your name below to stand with Lorie and her family—and for free speech ...
  • ADF attorneys represent Christian Employers Alliance
  • When will it end? After ten years, Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips is still fighting for his right to speak freely. Even though the State of Colorado abandoned its prosecution of the cake artist, a local attorney is now going after Jack in civil court. The Colorado Court of Appeals just affirmed a trial court decision punishing Jack for not designing a custom cake celebrating a gender transition that an activist attorney requested. Alliance Defending Freedom is appealing that decision. What’s happened to Jack is a blatant of example of activists targeting, harassing, and punishing those who ...
  • Government officials are showing open hostility towards people for their religious beliefs. In February, Arizona’s Washington Elementary School District board voted unanimously to sever its 11-year partnership with Arizona Christian University (ACU), which had allowed student teachers and practicum students to gain valuable classroom experience, while providing a stable source of quality teachers for the district’s elementary schools. In severing the partnership, the school board cited zero complaints about ACU students or alumni, and administrators in the district had even asked for more ...
  • Who will protect children and defend families as the threats continue to grow? You can. Today. With the critical support of our Ministry Friends, Alliance Defending Freedom is advancing legislation that will protect families for generations to come. But we need your support—because it’s only possible through the generosity of people like you. Will you give today? When you give, you can further the impact of the $400,000 challenge grant that helps meet our critical need to advance protections for children, parents, and the family. ADF is the world’s largest legal ministry committed to ...
  • … on which our liberty was built. And that leaves your freedoms under threat.  That’s why courageous people who are …