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Showing 85 results for "News PRDetail 4650"
  • … grace of God—and we’ve also been called to share the news of this great gift with every tribe, tongue, and nation. …
  • Promote Our National Motto Every Time You Drive
  • ADF Ministry Alliance is a religious liberty legal membership that helps prepare and protect your ministry to the greatest extent possible
  • Looking to make a difference at a Christian non-profit? Explore career opportunities at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • All Americans are entitled to the promises of the Constituiton. Stop government officials from dismantling those freedoms. Your freedom matters!
  • Alliance Defending Freedom works alongside millions of other pro-life Americans to ensure that life is protected. Life is a human right, and it must be safeguarded.
  • Make no mistake: New York’s new censorship law targets constitutionally protected speech on social media networks. But this attack on free speech is nothing new. We’ve seen countless forms of censorship from government officials, social media platforms, and even financial institutions. But now, satirical websites like The Babylon Bee must face humorless state officials depriving them of their First Amendment freedoms. At ADF, we believe that all Americans are free to peacefully express their point of view, and that includes humor and sarcasm. Further, we believe that our freedoms don’t hinge ...
  • Alliance Defending Freedom has trained more than 2,400 law students from more than 225 law schools. Blackstone Legal Fellowship is just the beginning.