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Showing 50 results for "ariz town no church meetings home period"
  • Barronelle Stutzman’s story of continuing struggle for religious freedom should be alarming to every American who cherishes freedom, not just to Christians.
  • … & the sanctity of life on her studio’s website. Left with no viable option and seeing lawsuits against creative … & the sanctity of life on her studio’s website. Left with no viable option and seeing lawsuits against creative …
  • Ryan Dozier emerged from his Wednesday morning class at Yuba College in central California just in time to hoist an evangelical sign and hand out some tracts to the lunchtime crowd walking across campus.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom represents Young America's Foundation, CSULA Young Americans for Freedom, Ben Shapiro, and three university students. We are defending the right of students to speak freely on campus without being subject to threats, physical violence, and obstruction from protestors.
  • Beth Sheeran was a nursing student at Spokane Falls Community College in 2008 when she spearheaded an effort by a Christian club on campus to sponsor a pro-life event.
  • As “one of America's most efficient and dependable” manufacturers and wholesale distributors of HVAC sheet metal products and equipment, you’d think that the government would want to encourage and protect family-owned, successful companies like Hercules Industries.
  • College was a rude awakening for Emily Brooker. Her freshman year, she received a class assignment to perform homosexual behavior in public, such as holding hands or kissing, and then write a paper about the experience.
  • Christian Andzel’s pro-life club was charged almost $650 to hold a debate when other campus groups didn’t have to pay anything.
  • … With the Christian faith as their cornerstone, it comes as no surprise that these universities oppose a federal … With the Christian faith as their cornerstone, it comes as no surprise that these universities oppose a federal …
  • As devout, peaceful Mennonites, the Hahns never imagined they would one day be fighting legal battles for the right to operate their business according to their faith.