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Showing 45 results for "doj brief shows path domas constitutionality"
  • Learn more about the landmark Supreme Court case Trinity Lutheran v. Comer, and how a church in Missouri won a major victory for religious liberty.
  • Barronelle Stutzman’s story of continuing struggle for religious freedom should be alarming to every American who cherishes freedom, not just to Christians.
  • Jacob Smith, a student at Patterson Elementary, discovered a surprising response to an innocuous invitation inviting his classmates to attend a religious youth camp sponsored by his church.
  • Another Photographer Is Taking a Stand for Freedom — This Time in Kentucky
  • Cathy became a nurse to save lives, but her world crumbled around her when her supervisors demanded that she take a life or lose her job.
  • When Julea Ward walked into the room of professors from the counseling department, she hoped to find more tolerance than she’d received from her counseling supervisor at Eastern Michigan University. She was wrong.
  • When Alexis heard about the lawsuit, she knew that she was called to join. Why? Because she felt that her voice brought something different—and needed—to the conversation. A female’s perspective on privacy needed to be heard.
  • Since the beginning, the Stormans have run their business consistent with their Christian faith. That faith informs their decisions about their stores, from the way they interact with employees and their community, to their decision to not stock early abortifacient drugs, like the morning-after pill (Plan B) and ella in Ralph’s Thriftway’s pharmacy.
  • Why did the government attack a homeless ministry?
  • As devout, peaceful Mennonites, the Hahns never imagined they would one day be fighting legal battles for the right to operate their business according to their faith.