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Showing 59 results for "federal court allows public invocations hamilton county tenn"
  • Watch the story of the Tennes Family who was banned from the farmer’s market by the city of East Lansing simply because of their beliefs about marriage.
  • … Freedom helped Sarah Stites file suit against the Fairfax County Public School Board. Case: S.S. v. Fairfax County School … and my parents learned that the national office of NHS allows church work to count as community service. With all …
  • … Loves Me’ Mask. Will you help Lydia? Case: L.B. v. Simpson County School District Nine-year-old Lydia Booth climbed into … a 9-year-old” to protect their legal position. Give Now Public Schools Can’t Ignore Free Speech Rights Students like … of our cases, including 15 victories at the U.S. Supreme Court since 2011. … Nine-year-old Lydia Booth climbed into …
  • … during government harassment Case: Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission v. Hands On Originals BREAKING NEWS: On October 31, 2019, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled for Blaine Adamson. After a seven-year legal … the record straight. This was crucial because the court of public opinion often affects the outcome of cases. And more …
  • … or listen to her voice. So Alexis simply asked the court to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of every … … Title IX … students … student privacy … safe bathrooms … public school … Pennsylvania … Montgomery County … k-12 … gender … education … Case:Doe v. Boyertown …
  • … challenge the new “buffer zone” statute. “The U.S. Supreme Court had never approved of any type of a law even remotely … similar to the Massachusetts statute,” DePrimo said, “The court has, for many, many years, said that speech on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide open.” …
  • … Defending Freedom attorneys represented the Newlands in a federal lawsuit   against the Obama administration over its … self-insured plan renews on Nov. 1, the case requested a court order that would halt the mandate within the next three … Defending Freedom attorneys represented the Newlands in a federal lawsuit   against the Obama administration over its …
  • … it comes as no surprise that these universities oppose a federal healthcare mandate that forces employers, regardless … the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal agencies. In December 2013, the district court suspended the enforcement of the abortion-pill mandate …
  • … on behalf of Dr. Adams against UNCW in 2007, the district court ruled in UNCW’s favor, saying Dr. Adams’s columns in an … district court. In March 2014, after a four-day trial, a federal jury ruled that UNCW violated Dr. Adams’s First … all, it shows that professors can speak out on issues of public concern, and integrate that within their work as …
  • … ADF Senior Counsel David Cortman argued to the Supreme Court that restricting signs based on their content is … speech protections granted by the First Amendment. The Court ruled in favor of Pastor Reed in a landmark decision, … Court of the United States … signs … religious freedom … public square … free speech … equal access … Clyde Reed … …