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Showing 55 results for "ProtectChurches donate thank you"
  • When Julea Ward walked into the room of professors from the counseling department, she hoped to find more tolerance than she’d received from her counseling supervisor at Eastern Michigan University. She was wrong.
  • In the fall of 2008, Jonathan Lopez attended Los Angeles City College (LACC) and was enrolled in a speech class. During this same time California voters passed Proposition 8 which amended the state’s constitution to define marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman.
  • In third grade, Spencer Anderson first began to think seriously about abortion. Some guest speakers in his homeroom class spoke about the subject, and he still remembers marveling that anyone, for any reason, “wouldn’t want people to live.”
  • It was the start of a new school year and Janelle Poukamissas was excited as she walked into a planning meeting with the other student leaders of the Ichthus Club, a Christian student club at Half Hollow Hills High School East on Long Island, New York.
  • Founded in 1848 by the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, Geneva College is no stranger to ­­taking big risks for the sake of Christ.
  • When Alexis heard about the lawsuit, she knew that she was called to join. Why? Because she felt that her voice brought something different—and needed—to the conversation. A female’s perspective on privacy needed to be heard.
  • Madison, Wisconsin laws threatened to compel photographer to take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex marriage pro-abortion groups and to publish those photographs and posts on the internet.
  • Andrew D. Graham serves as Senior Counsel, Vice President of Academic Affairs & Strategic Affairs at Alliance Defending Freedom. In this role, he engages with thought leaders around the world; designs ADF’s academic initiatives, including symposiums and the Blackstone Legal Fellowship; and speaks at academic gatherings, universities, and think tanks on law, politics, and culture. Additionally, Graham is a senior fellow at the Religious Freedom Institute in Washington, DC; an elected member and trustee of The Philadelphia Society; an elected member of The Mont Pelerin Society; a member of The ...
  • Alan Sears served as founder of Alliance Defending Freedom, building on his experience as longtime leader of the organization to strengthen alliances, forge new relationships, and develop ADF resources.
  • More than 30 years ago, Dr. James C. Dobson founded Focus on the Family to undergird Christian values for families in today’s world.