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  • College was a rude awakening for Emily Brooker. Her freshman year, she received a class assignment to perform homosexual behavior in public, such as holding hands or kissing, and then write a paper about the experience.
  • Tucked away into the rolling hills of Vermont lies the Wildflower Inn, a picturesque bed and breakfast and the home of the owners, the O’Reilly family. Despite the beautiful surroundings, the Inn was mired in over a decade of ugly controversy over the rights of it’s owners to operate according to their faith.
  • Madison, Wisconsin laws threatened to compel photographer to take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex marriage pro-abortion groups and to publish those photographs and posts on the internet.
  • Learn more about the landmark Supreme Court case Trinity Lutheran v. Comer, and how a church in Missouri won a major victory for religious liberty.
  • One church in the Bronx borough of New York City spent two decades fighting for the ability to meet in public spaces.