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  • Learn more about Noel Sterett at
  • Tyson Langhofer serves as senior counsel and director of the Center for Academic Freedom with Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Jeremiah Galus serves as senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is a key member of the Center for Christian Ministries.
  • Marissa Mayer is an Arizona native who fell in love with the written word at a young age.
  • Sarah worked as an investigative reporter before joining the Alliance Defending Freedom team.
  • Chris Potts is a senior writer for Alliance Defending Freedom, sharing stories of Christians who stand up for the sanctity of life, marriage and family, and religious freedom.
  • Lorné is passionately pro-life and enjoys her creative and always changing work.
  • Nathan Cherry graduated from Liberty University with an associates degree in Biblical Studies, and earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Trinity Theological Seminary.
  • ADF is the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, marriage and family, and parental rights.
  • Travis C. Barham serves as senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, where he plays a key role with the ADF Center for Academic Freedom.