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Showing 246 results for "sanctity of life page 12"
  • … among us. And the unborn are among the most vulnerable of all. But the abortion industry continues to target unborn … said that she will not defend and enforce the state’s pro-life laws. Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen and House … Arizona Babies from Eugenic Practices … 19701 … abortion … sanctity of life … pro-life … Down Syndrome … Arizona … ADF …
  • … Can Direct Funding Away from Abortion Facilities Pro-life states like South Carolina should be able to direct … between the federal government, which provides some of the funding, and the states, which are responsible for … … Supreme Court of the United States … South Carolina … sanctity of life … Medicaid … Ensuring That States Can Direct …
  • … to provide abortion drugs to “all people – regardless of income, gender, race, or geography.” The company has … , the Supreme Court empowered all 50 states to protect life. As a result, West Virginia passed a new law called the … … 20321 … West Virginia … abortion … pro-lifesanctity of life … Court Deals Blow to Lawsuit from Abortion …
  • … December 14, 2022 Revised September 23, 2024 Proponents of assisted suicide have spent years arguing that this … all the opposite of those things.” While Farsoud chose life, many others have not. In the first six years of … Suicide with Health Care … 19234 … culture … end of lifesanctity of life … Canada … assisted suicide … Canada Is …
  • … policy change is deliberative and truly representative of what the people want. In general, new laws are enacted … voting directly on issues that affect religious freedom, life, free speech, and the family. While ADF monitors these … How Do They Affect You? … 20725 … legislation … abortion … sanctity of life … healthcare professionals … conscience … …
  • … Pro-Life Students School Professor on Free Speech A professor at Fresno State tried to censor the campus chapter of Students for Life. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom … … Bernadette Tasy … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … academic freedom … free speech … …
  • … that abortion pill reversal has likely saved the lives of over 5,000 unborn children, but some abortion advocates … for APR are trying to confuse people. For the pro-life pregnancy centers that Alliance Defending Freedom … Defending Freedom, focusing on issues concerning the sanctity of life and religious freedom. View Profile … … 7633 …
  • … the Christian Medical & Dental Associations sued the state of California. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom … to actively facilitate the process of ending a patient’s life. The state required health-care professionals to assist … practice of health care, including their belief in the sanctity of human life. It would violate their consciences to …
  • … The Pro-Life Advocate Who Won 9-0 at SCOTUS The Supreme Court … clearly violate the First Amendment right to the freedom of speech. But in 2007, Massachusetts passed a law that did … … censorship zones … Supreme Court of the United States … sanctity of life … pro-life advocates … pro-life … free …
  • … and post-abortive women at the emergency department of a hospital in San Antonio. Given these circumstances, Dr. … to do with the original abortion—that save a woman’s life. Dr. Skop shares these safety concerns for women seeking … U.S. Food and Drug Administration … abortion … pro-lifesanctity of life … FDA’s Reckless Actions Enable Sex …