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Showing 285 results for "four things we can still do now pro life healthcare providers"
  • … California Courts: Churches Can’t Be Forced to Fund Abortion Skyline Wesleyan Church took … their faith and practice what they preach . Church leaders do this by advocating for life at every stage as well as … to pay $1,400,000 toward the attorneys’ fees for the four churches. Case timeline August 2014 : The California …
  • … the need for some guardrail to regulate the practice. Still, it took less than five years for Canada to eliminate … “I’m a different person,” Farsoud said. “The first time we spoke, I had nothing but darkness, misery, stress, and hopelessness. Now I have all the opposite of those things.” While Farsoud chose life, sadly, many others have …
  • … on patients—even children. These dangerous procedures can have harmful, lifelong, and irreversible consequences, … of Pediatricians and the Catholic Medical Association. We have appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th … to violate their beliefs by placing children in homes that do not align with the Christian faith. All this comes despite …
  • … to accurate medical information about her pregnancy was still in its infancy, and care for difficult pregnancies was … that may have been fatal to the mother fifty-years ago can now quickly be diagnosed and treated, with public and … toes, and nose. A post- Roe America is one in which we can celebrate the unprecedented access that expecting …
  • … of her life to caring for more than 40 foster children. To do this, she chose to work with Catholic Social Services, … Outcome The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the City can’t discriminate against a faith-based foster-care agency, … us—children in need of loving homes. Now more than ever, we need highly successful adoption and foster care providers
  • … the FDA doesn’t think women should have anymore. Even still, the doctor who performed my ultrasound was very … the most intense cramping I’d ever experienced. I’ve had four children since then and what I was left to experience … period blood. They lied to me. When I close my eyes, I can still see my baby, floating in his little sac, dead. You …
  • … Section 1557, which the executive branch has no power to do. Only Congress can pass and amend laws. Second, HHS’s reckless and illegal … them away from the low-income patients who need them most. We’re seeking to protect the truth about biology Doctors take …
  • … At just 15 weeks, babies have a strong heartbeat and can move around the womb. It’s also likely they can feel pain … to be between 24 and 28 weeks gestation in 1973, it is now considered to be between 21 and 22 weeks gestation. The … lawmaking decisions about abortion back to the states . We now turn to the states to ensure that unborn children and …
  • … culture prioritizes religious activities in daily life Is Religious Freedom an Excuse for Discrimination? Some … freedom are more restrictive within their societies. When we try to constrain someone to do something against their beliefs, we, in turn, are …
  • … Speech ‘Preferred pronouns’ may sound harmless, but they can have vast implications for free speech. Written by Neal … concerning the one ring, “Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? … or self-declaration. It has become, like so many other things, a mode of expressive individualism. This shift in …