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Showing 364 results for "his name edwin"
  • … Sign your name to the statement below and join with more than 9,400 …
  • … the Supreme Court announced it would hear Jack’s case, his shop got a phone call. It was an attorney requesting a … and offered to sell the attorney any other item in his shop or to create a different custom cake promoting a …
  • … consent. In some cases, they were even instructed to hide name and pronoun changes from parents. The training also … and informed a local journalist. The journalist launched his own investigation, and he eventually asked to interview Kathy for his story to confirm information he had already gathered from …
  • …   According to school’s policy, if a child questions his or her gender, school staff are to immediately comply … keeping the information about the child’s struggle from his or her parents. School officials even encourage faculty …
  • … More, who famously chose public execution over betraying his conscience. Today, TMLC supports those who want to live …
  • … Are Only Two Genders’ Shirt Liam Morrison was censored by his school for wearing a shirt with the message, ‘there are … that was important to him—a message about the same topic his school encouraged other students to address. He wasn’t … or attacking any other beliefs, but that didn’t stop his school from censoring him. Read on to learn more about …
  • … anyone. Because I believe that God created all people in His image, I cannot create photographs that demean or …
  • … Jack Phillips has endured targeted attacks against him and his business, Masterpiece Cakeshop. It all started in 2012 … Jack is not backing down . ADF has appealed the case on his behalf, and the Colorado Supreme Court will hear oral … once again being threatened with punishment for exercising his First Amendment freedom. Why was Jack targeted a third …
  • … anyone—including you and your family. Please sign your name below to stand with Lorie and her family—and for free … Strands” bracelet as our gift of thanks to you. Add Your Name to the National Note of Solidarity: "Lorie, thank you …
  • … three days after she declined to refer to a student by a name that was inconsistent with the student’s sex. At the … a student by the student’s legal and enrolled last name. A week later, the school’s principal distributed …