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  • Bryan and Rebecca Gantt were faithful foster parents to children in need for seven years—until the state of Vermont revoked their license because of their Christian beliefs. Pastor Bryan and Rebecca opened their hearts and home to love the most vulnerable among us: children without stable families who were born with drug dependencies and special needs. They adopted three children from the foster-care system and inspired other families to foster, too. Then, the state of Vermont insisted the Gantts comply with new foster-parent licensing policies that would require them to profess the state’s ...
  • In 1998, an East Texas town began opening their homes to 77 foster children. But today, state governments are slamming the door shut.
  • More and more, government officials are abusing their authority to threaten, silence, and penalize Christians and other people of faith. They are turning their power against the very people they represent—violating the constitutional, God-given rights of people like you. But, with your help, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is here to meet this moment. ADF is a Christian legal ministry that exists to keep the door open for the Gospel by advancing the God-given right to live and speak the truth. We do this by protecting and advancing religious freedom, free speech, the right to life, marriage ...
  • Female athletes spend years—even decades—of their lives training and honing their skills. They know that the difference between victory and defeat can be a single point or a tenth of a second. Fairness between competitors is critical. But the Biden administration and radical activists throughout the country are undermining the truth that there are biological differences between females and males by attempting to force women and girls to compete against males, who have significant—and documented—physical advantages. As this continues, women’s sports are being destroyed as opportunities and ...
  • President Joe Biden began his quest to turn Title IX on its head shortly after taking office, but ADF did not sit idly by.
  • 15-year-old West Virginia athlete Adaleia Cross has loved sports all her life. But now, her love has turned to pain. Adaleia has been forced to compete against—and share a locker room with—a male teammate who identifies as a girl. In the locker room and out on the track, the male athlete also regularly made vile, sexual, threatening, and demeaning remarks to Adaleia and other girls. These remarks are too explicit to quote for you here. No girl should be made to endure what Adaleia has, yet the federal government’s new Title IX rule changes will allow men into women’s locker rooms and restrooms ...
  • The IOC’s inaction threatens all female athletes. Denying reality has consequences, and female athletes are the ones who will pay the price.
  • Educators, parents, and students are facing increasing threats to their freedoms. Why? Because government officials are silencing speech that they disagree with and punishing Americans for engaging in honest discussion and debate. Some policies seek to compel educators and students to express messages that aren’t true, or ones that violate their beliefs. These unlawful directives force educators to deceive and mislead parents and students about plain truths, and to speak messages with which they disagree—or face punishment. But don’t educators and students alike have the right to live and ...
  • Your partnership with Alliance Defending Freedom is advancing the cause of freedom. That’s not just an empty phrase—we want you to be encouraged by the victories and progress we’ve been blessed with over the past year. Did you know that your financial support and prayers are helping turn the tide against gender ideology? We’ve stood with courageous female athletes to push back against the Biden administration’s unlawful attempt to rewrite Title IX—and we’re seeing that effort begin to bear fruit. Three courts have now acted to halt the administration’s actions, and we’re not done yet. Women ...
  • No one should lose access to their social media account—let alone fear cancellation from their bank—because of their religious or political viewpoints.