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Showing 518 results for "sanctity of life page 17"
  • … Censorship and Lies: Vermont Targets Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers A new Vermont law would censor … Sen. Elizabeth Warren accused pregnancy centers of being “there to fool people” and called for them to be … Targets Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers … 20729 … abortion … sanctity of life … Vermont … NIFLA … National Institute of
  • … Parenthood Arizona v. Mayes . The court was accused of legislating “from the bench” and rejecting “the will of … governor, when reaffirming the state’s long-held pro-life law, said, “It has been said that a society should be … which there may be no more contentious issue than the sanctity of human life—ADF will keep working to see life
  • … California Pays Nearly $200K for Using COVID to Censor Pro-Life Group California unlawfully discriminated against … supposed to help keep people safe. Unfortunately, some of the laws and regulations passed did not accomplish what … Group … 20866 … abortion … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … free speech … California … California Pays …
  • … New York Attorney General Letitia James is prosecuting pro-life pregnancy centers for speaking truthfully and positively … show abortion pill reversal (APR) has saved the lives of thousands of unborn children by countering the lethal … Censor Information About Abortion Pill Reversal … 21585 … sanctity of life … abortion … free speech … New York … New …
  • … 2024 Editor’s note: The following piece is an  adaptation  of written testimony presented to the House Oversight and … posited that the baby within her was merely “potential life.” But today, in a post- Roe America, that same young … Erin Hawley’s Remarks … 18824 … abortion … pro-lifesanctity of life … Congress … congressional hearing … U.S. …
  • … and their elected representatives are choosing to protect life. The Biden administration is telling them they can’t. … law will continue to save lives “in the vast majority of circumstances” as the case continues. Read the press … Entirely Intact’ as Lawsuit Continues … 21116 … abortion … sanctity of life … Supreme Court of the United States … Idaho …
  • … University Demands Trigger Warning for Pro-Life Display Ellen Wittman challenged policies at her … 3, 2023 Revised December 1, 2023 During her senior year of high school, Ellen Wittman stood on stage with Dr. Ben … of Ohio-Hamilton … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … University Demands Trigger Warning for …
  • … Not Know: How ADF Helped Overturn Roe v. Wade Many years of planning and tireless work paid off in the historic Dobbs … May 3, 2023 Revised January 10, 2024 Many in the pro-life movement worked their entire lives for the day that Roe … Wade … 20394 … abortion … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … Supreme Court of the United States … What …
  • … What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life? The dictionary definition of 'pro-life' doesn’t tell … to Be Pro-Life? … 18636 … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … end of life … abortion … pro-choice … …
  • … a law protecting unborn children from being killed because of genetic abnormalities, and create a nationwide … Catholic pharmacist who believes that God created human life in His image. For this reason, Kevin knows that all … … 20620 … North Dakota … religious freedom … conscience … sanctity of life … pro-life … pharmacist … Mayo Pharmacy …