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Showing 217 results for "marriage family page 11"
  • … Stormans Family Since the beginning, the Stormans have run their … nearly four generations and over 70 years, the Stormans family has owned and operated Ralph’s and Bayview Thriftways … life after conception. Kevin and the rest of the Stormans family knew they couldn’t stock the drug because of their …
  • … Newland Family As “one of America's most efficient and dependable” … that the government would want to encourage and protect family-owned, successful companies like Hercules Industries. … that the government would want to encourage and protect family-owned, successful companies like Hercules Industries. …
  • … Hahn Family As devout, peaceful Mennonites, the Hahns never … His children took over the company, and today, the family has built a successful American business that employs … that has guided their business from the beginning.  The family-owned company would be subject to staggering fines of …
  • … The Wunderlich Family The government seized their children [CASE UPDATE: … for parental rights in Europe and beyond. The Wunderlich family's story Dirk and Petra Wunderlich had just settled … the children—were gone. What horrific crime had this family committed to deserve such a fate … to have their …
  • … Country Mill Farms Watch the story of the Tennes Family who was banned from the farmer’s market by the city of East Lansing simply because of their beliefs about marriage. Case: Country Mill Farms v. City of East Lansing … Image When someone posted on Country Mill Farms’ Facebook page, asking whether they would host a same-sex wedding, the …
  • … Every Unborn Child Has a Family Being pro-woman and pro-man is an essential piece of … observation tells us that every unborn child is part of a family, a family with a story that is incredibly important. To be …
  • … take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex marriage pro-abortion groups and to publish those photographs … Amy’s posts can be seen on the studio’s blog , Facebook page , and Instagram account .  Since Amy’s mother gave her a …   Amy’s studio tells countercultural stories promoting marriage and the sanctity of life Because of her religious …
  • … Sweet Victory: City Can’t Discriminate Against Christian Family Farm For years, the Tenneses sold their produce at a … 2016, someone posted on Country Mill Farms’ Facebook page, asking about their beliefs on marriage. Steve and Bridget are Catholic, so they answered …
  • Family Business Defeats Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate … and ending an innocent human life. As Christians, the Hahn family believes every life is sacred, so they are opposed to … people at the time of the Supreme Court hearing. The Hahn family still owns Conestoga Wood Specialties. One of the …
  • … What You Should Know About the Respect for Marriage Act The misnamed ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ undermines marriage and threatens religious freedom and free speech. …