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Showing 808 results for "pro life sidewalk counselors pittsburgh just got some great news federal court"
  • … commitment to their faith, and a commitment to protecting life. But after a nurse that performed abortions was promoted … to be fired or transferred out."   Through her pastor, Fe got in touch with Alliance Defending Freedom. On very short … New Jersey … healthcare professionals … sanctity of lifepro-life … New Jersey … conscience … coercion … Case:Danquah …
  • … How Pittsburgh Tried to Silence Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselors Pro-life sidewalk counselors challenged a …
  • … New York City Council passed an ordinance that compelled pro-life pregnancy centers, which had the “appearance” of a … the city cannot force pregnancy centers to communicate some city-crafted messages that encourage women to go …
  • … Documents Summary In 2006, ADF attorneys filed suit in federal court against the Missouri Department of Revenue after two … to the message expressed on a plate proposed by Choose Life of Missouri. In 2009, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled …
  • … goals.…” Vanderbilt receives more than $300 million in federal tax dollars each year, and federal law prohibits … promise to participate in abortions. “Christians and other pro-life members of the medical community shouldn’t be forced to …
  • … Active State Supreme Court State of New Mexico v. Board of County Commissioners … amici curiae New Mexico Family Action Movement, Right to Life Committee of New Mexico, and New Mexico Alliance for Life supporting respondents 2/14/2023 State Supreme Court
  • … Summary The Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life of America filed a lawsuit against Washington, D.C. … to grant permission for the two advocacy groups to paint a pro-life message on a city street shortly after city … the pro-life groups began to chalk temporary messages on a sidewalk, police arrested them. Case Documents Court Title …
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court Madsen v. Women’s Health Center Details Documents … Launched earlier that year in January 1994, ADF quickly got to work protecting the rights given to Americans by God … Health Center … free speech … abortion … sanctity of life … Supreme Court of the United States … Florida … Madsen …
  • … convictions and worldview. These clients believe that life will be more fulfilling if aligned with the teachings of … its Counseling Censorship Law. That law censors licensed counselors from having any conversation with clients under … government’s biased views on her clients. Case Documents Court Title Date Appellate Court Appellants Opening Brief …
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court The Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul … or moral objections to abortion from being subject to a federal requirement that employer health plans cover … … Supreme Court of the United States … sanctity of life … religious freedom … Pennsylvania … March for Life … …