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Showing 197 results for "charlie thank you"
  • Paul Schmitt served as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he was a member of the Center for Christian Ministries.
  • … and compelled speech (being forced to speak something you don’t believe). Alliance Defending Freedom has … can cause physical harm, not that words are violence. If you’re not convinced, just re-run the syllogism starting with …
  • … to win cases and create legal precedent. That is false. Do you have to be prosecuted by the government before you can go to court to defend your rights? The short answer … is no. When a law threatens your fundamental freedoms, you can challenge it in court even before it’s been enforced …
  • Erik Baptist serves as senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, focusing on administrative litigation and regulatory advocacy.
  • … “Gender theory” sounds like one of those niche terms that you might hear at a lecture on a public university campus. In some sense, that’s true. You may not have heard of the term “gender theory,” but you have definitely seen its effects on our culture: Google …
  • In a victory for life, the court held that unborn children created through in vitro fertilization are children and therefore protected under Alabama law.
  • When the FDA allowed abortion-by-mail, it enabled sex trafficking. Trafficked women can now be more easily kept away from doctors and coerced into abortion.
  • Don Ziel serves as vice president of the Church and Ministry Alliance and assistant general counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Paul Coleman serves as executive director of ADF International from its headquarters in Vienna, overseeing the advocacy and operations of the global, alliance-building legal organization.
  • … in the frigid Alaskan temperatures than next to a man. As you might imagine, it can be easy for someone in this … Hope Center exists. Written on the windows are the words, “You matter. You are loved.” So the Hope Center only allows women in its …