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  • Erica Steinmiller-Perdomo serves as legal counsel for the Center for Christian Ministries at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Brooke Brown serves as Prayer Initiative Communications Specialist at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Sharon Supp serves as Senior Research Analyst at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Marcus Harris serves as Prayer Initiatives Director at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Jacqueline Kimotho serves as Advocacy Campaign Manager at Alliance Defending Freedom
  • Emilie Kao serves as senior counsel and vice president of advocacy strategy for Alliance Defending Freedom, where she is a member of the U.S. Legal Team. In this role, she supports ADF’s legal and legislative objectives through culture shaping initiatives. Before joining ADF, Kao served as director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at the Heritage Foundation. She led a team of experts who provided strategy, research, and policy recommendations on life, marriage, and religious freedom consistent with Constitutional principles. She convened coalitions of strategic partners to ...
  • A school district in Kansas tried to force teacher Pam Ricard to be dishonest with students and parents.
  • The Biden administration tried to harm women by seeking to delete insurance coverage for fertility awareness instruction.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is a nonprofit organization. What does that mean?
  • Canada has paused changes to its assisted suicide law, but the country is still failing to advocate for its most vulnerable citizens.