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Showing 331 results for "dangerous ideology harming children"
  • … Concluded U.S. Courts of Appeals The Children First Foundation v. Fiala Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary Children First Foundation, Inc. ("CFF") is a New York based … that featured a yellow sun behind the faces of two smiling children along with the words "Choose Life," all of which …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts The Children First Foundation v. Legreide Details Documents … available in New Jersey. Garden State. … 7631 … 7633 … The Children First Foundation v. Legreide … equal access … Children First Foundation … adoption … U.S. Court of Appeals …
  • ADF to 2nd Circuit: Protect anonymous speech, association for college students
  • … U.S. District Courts Holston United Methodist Home for Children v. Becerra Details Videos Documents Profiles Summary A Tennessee Christian children’s home filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden … or lose needed funding. Holston United Methodist Home for Children is a nationally accredited Christian nonprofit that …
  • … Active U.S. District Courts McComb Children's Clinic v. Becerra Details Documents Profiles Summary A Mississippi children's clinic is challenging the Biden administration … sanctity of life, and family. View Profile … A Mississippi children's clinic is challenging the Biden administration …
  • … Redefining ‘Sex’ in Federal Law Harms Women and Children Redefining ‘Sex’ in Federal Law Harms Women and Children Under Title IX, Alanna Smith is challenging a … procedures or face severe financial consequences. These dangerous procedures can have lifelong and irreversible …
  • … Kids Need Forever Homes, Not Political Ideology Government officials in some states are … from crucial child welfare services. Already, too many children in the United States fall asleep each night, … are harmed. These kids need a forever home—not political ideology. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE Learn More about Foster Care and …
  • … groups are challenging Tennessee’s law that protects children from harmful and unnecessary medical procedures. … groups are challenging Tennessee’s law that protects children from harmful and unnecessary medical procedures. … … v. Skrmetti … gender dysphoria … transgender … Tennessee … children … Kentucky … L.W. v. Skrmetti …
  • … activists are challenging an Oklahoma law that protects children from harmful and unnecessary medical procedures. … activists are challenging an Oklahoma law that protects children from harmful and unnecessary medical procedures. … … … gender dysphoria … gender identity … transgender … children … Poe v. Drummond …
  • … groups are challenging Alabama’s law that protects children from harmful and unnecessary medical procedures. … groups are challenging Alabama’s law that protects children from harmful and unnecessary medical procedures. … 7658 … 7642 … Boe v. Marshall … children … transgender … gender identity … gender dysphoria … …