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  • University limits free speech on campus
  • Federal government requires private, Christian liberal arts institution to facilitate access to abortion-inducing drugs for its employees.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent two African-American taxpayers in Minnesota who are challenging the unauthorized use of state funding for elective abortions
  • Alliance Defending Freedom filed suit on behalf of Sara Hellwege, who was denied employment as a certified nurse midwife solely because of her religious objection to certain early abortifacient items and her membership in a pro-life organization.
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to pay for abortion-inducing drugs for its employees
  • Supreme Court vindicates the rights of pro-life sidewalk counselors to engage in peaceful prayer and witness to women and men entering abortion facilities in a 9-0 victory for Free Speech.
  • ADF and its allied attorneys succeeded in having a county forced speech ordinance declared unconstitutional.
  • ADF and its allies are preventing the City of Austin from infringing on constitutional freedoms of pro-life pregnancy centers.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent FOCUS in its lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the Obama administration's abortion pill mandate.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys defend life-affirming uses of taxpayer dollars.