Betlach v. Planned Parenthood Arizona

The Whole Woman’s Healthcare Funding Prioritization Act prohibits taxpayer dollars from funding most abortions and prioritizes family planning funds to health care entities that best provide comprehensive health care to women.
Planned Parenthood challenged the law’s prohibition on taxpayer funds for abortion businesses and prioritization of funds to providers that provide comprehensive healthcare for women, which would eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood. After the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit sided with Planned Parenthood, ADF attorneys sought Supreme Court review for the state. The petition argued that Arizona was fully empowered by Medicaid to set the qualifications of providers who could participate in the program and it was within its authority to exclude abortionists and to prioritize funds to comprehensive women’s healthcare to better serve the health needs of women. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court declined certiorari in February 2014.
Keeping taxpayer funds from subsidizing abortion operations
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys served as lead counsel to the Arizona Medicaid agency, defending a state law that was designed to prevent elective abortion providers from receiving Medicaid family planning funds.