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  • Vermont expels Christian school from tuition program, sports league
  • The Supreme Court ruled that a Louisiana law providing funds for educational materials in both private and public schools did not violate the Constitution.
  • The Supreme Court upheld a New York program allowing public school teachers to teach some secular classes to qualifying students enrolled at religious schools.
  • ADF qualified to provide training on anti-religious discrimination in workplace
  • ADF to Supreme Court: No religious tests for civic duty
  • ADF to 7th Circuit: Protect employment decisions of faith-based schools
  • CO offers free preschool program, but prohibits Christian schools that want to participate
  • Michigan State professor forces students to fund personal political group
  • ADF attorneys represent mother prevented by the state from adopting because of her faith
  • Kaley Chiles works as a licensed professional counselor in Colorado who helps clients with various issues, including gender identity and sexual orientation. Chiles sees her work as an outgrowth of her Christian faith, and numerous clients come to her because she shares their own faith-based convictions and worldview. These clients believe that life will be more fulfilling if aligned with the teachings of their faith. Though Chiles never promises that she can solve these issues, she, like her Christian clients, believes that sexuality and gender identity issues can, with God’s help, be brought ...