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Showing 255 results for "churches christian schools pro life ministry standing virginias alarming new law"
  • … No Room in Washington for Christian Homeless Ministry? Yakima Union Gospel Mission has been spreading the … “Christian ministry is about pulling together a team for a life-or-death mission,” he says. “Our staff culture is the …
  • New York Pays $275,000 After Repeatedly Harassing Christian Adoption Ministry New York government agencies tried to punish NewChristian ministry committed to meeting the needs of every life touched by adoption. This adoption agency provides …
  • … of their medical licenses. Who are Dr. Mark Lacy and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations? Dr. Mark Lacy is … their Christian beliefs, including the belief that human life is sacred. That is why Dr. Lacy and his fellow CMDA … … New Mexico … physician assisted suicide … end of lifepro-life … healthcare professionals … New Mexico Passes New
  • … Religious Freedom Prevails After Christian Orgs Challenge Virginia ‘Values’ Act Two churches, three schools, and a pregnancy center network secured their ability …
  • Christian Youth Ministry Denied State Grants Because It Only Hires Christians … primary purpose is “to teach and share about the life of Jesus Christ” so that the young people it serves … for the ministry to hire only those who hold to its Christian beliefs. All its board members, employees, and …
  • … Washington Law Threatens Mission of Homeless Ministry Washington state officials try to punish religious … country.  That’s the case in Yakima, Washington, where one Christian organization has spent more than eight decades … would be extinguished from participation in public life—perhaps by those who disagree with their theological …
  • … In Targeting a Christian School for Its Beliefs, the Government Is Harming … school violated the requirement that “all participating schools must agree that they will not discriminate in student … plans for building upgrades. And it stopped hiring new teachers and was holding off on backfilling vacant …
  • New York School Lies to Mother, Hides So-Called ‘Social … February 16, 2024 Revised March 1, 2024 Moving to a new country is never easy—especially for a soon-to-be … in her home country. Jennifer’s daughter had to learn a new culture, adopt a new primary language, and spend extended …
  • … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life The so-called ‘birth control mandate’ established under … and Southern Nazarene University? Geneva College is a Christian liberal arts school in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. …
  • … Why EMTALA and Idaho’s Law Both Protect Life Both Idaho’s Defense of Life Act and … Both Protect Life … 21397 … abortion … sanctity of lifepro-life … Idaho … Supreme Court of the United States … Why …