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Showing 283 results for "im florida cake artist i support supreme courts ruling protecting free speech"
  • … US Supreme Court Protects Free Speech in Landmark Ruling The Court ruled in favor of free speech in Lorie … 6, 2024 You may have heard of Lorie Smith. She’s a graphic artist and web designer who loves to bring stories to life …
  • … Unanimous Supreme Court: States Can’t Coerce Financial Institutions to … for free speech. The decision reaffirmed the necessity of protecting the First Amendment right of Americans to freely … at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the superintendent of New York’s Department of …
  • … Must Respect, Not Violate, Free Speech In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that government officials cannot misuse … heard about the story of Lorie Smith. Lorie is a graphic artist based in Colorado, and she creates custom websites for … express without fear of government punishment. The Court’s ruling also made clear that public-accommodation laws remain …
  • … one of those cases— 303 Creative v. Elenis —before the Supreme Court of the United States. But these threats to … Who is Emilee Carpenter? Emilee Carpenter is a Christian artist who tells stories through her photographs and blogs. … consistent with their beliefs ensure that a lesbian cake artist can decline to create a custom cake criticizing …
  • … What Is a Free Speech Zone? Many colleges and universities designate an area … Georgia Gwinnett College … Case:Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski … Supreme Court of the United States … What Is a Free Speech
  • … they must enact policies that “encourage and support the free expression of ideas.” In addition, the … visited Stanford Law School to speak about how lower courts address unclear or changing Supreme Court jurisprudence, he was met by a student mob. He …
  • … Pro-Life Students School Professor on Free Speech A professor at Fresno State tried to censor the campus … Tasy? Students for Life is an organization dedicated to protecting unborn lives all around the world. The …
  • … How Preferred Pronouns Threaten Free Speech ‘Preferred pronouns’ may sound harmless, but they … doesn’t have an implied gender. First-person pronouns (I/we), second-person pronouns (you), and third-person plural … right to not speak. And thankfully, the Virginia Supreme Court heard Peter’s case in November 2022. Doe v. …
  • … Oral Argument Prep for the Supreme Court How does an attorney prepare for oral arguments … which happen months before, require intense preparation. I have been in those shoes, preparing for my own oral … successful oral argument. The advocate practices with moot courts to “test drive” her arguments and answers to difficult …
  • Supreme Court Upholds Jack Phillips’s Freedom 7-2 A 7-2 … depicting Muhammed? Can a state law force an LGBT graphic artist to create a website that condemns same-sex marriage? … cakes for people from all backgrounds, but like many other cake artists, he declines custom cake requests promoting …