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  • Jordan Carpenter serves as legal counsel for the Center for Public Policy at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Abigail Bongiorno serves as legal counsel with the Church and Ministry Alliance at Alliance Defending Freedom. Bongiorno practices First Amendment law, primarily advising Church and Ministry Alliance members to best protect their religious liberty rights. Prior to joining ADF, Bongiorno worked for Thomas More Society, where she assisted in upholding the First Amendment rights of pro-life organizations and advocates. Bongiorno earned her J.D. from University of Wisconsin Law and obtained her B.A., summa cum laude, in Political Science and Spanish from Eastern Michigan University. She is a 2017 ...
  • Sierra Brown serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom. She advises members of ADF’s Church and Ministry Alliance on issues involving their religious liberty and helps protect their constitutional rights. Prior to joining ADF, Brown was an associate with a top national firm where she litigated large complex commercial and employment disputes. Brown earned her bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, in Journalism and Mass Communication from Arizona State University, and her law degree, cum laude, from ASU’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. While in law school, she served as ...
  • A new stage in the fight for life has begun. State and federal lawmakers are now empowered to protect life, but there is growing opposition to defending innocent unborn life. And there’s still so much work to do. Your gift today will help: Stand up for life-affirming laws across the country. Prevent state courts from issuing their own “Roe” decisions under state law. Defend the unborn and our most vulnerable. Protect the ability of pro-life pregnancy centers and other organizations to serve women and children. Save lives! Your gifts to ADF are 100% tax deductible. This defense of life is only ...
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship is integral in Alliance Defending Freedom’s ultimate goal of serving Christ while defending and advancing liberty.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding a formal comment ADF attorneys submitted Wednesday with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services urging it to withdraw a proposed grants rule that would discriminate against recipients of taxpayer funds based on their policies protecting the safety of women and girls in sports teams, private facilities, education, healthcare, and housing: “Americans should be free to live out their ethical and religious beliefs without fear of government retribution. While HHS is right to ...
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Opponents of freedom are trying to silence those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. Jessica Bates, a mother of five in Oregon, was denied the opportunity to adopt due to her Christian convictions. The state of Washington is trying to force a Christian organization to hire people who don’t share the ministry’s faith. And just recently, news broke that the federal government has labeled Christian and conservative organizations, including Alliance Defending Freedom, to be "domestic ...
  • Online media such as Facebook and Twitter have become the primary way many, if not most, Americans access the news. But government officials have been pressuring Big Tech to do their dirty work for them—trying to sidestep First Amendment safeguards to censor viewpoints the government doesn’t like. Freedom needs to be safeguarded—even on social media. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom is standing for the protection and preservation of free speech in cases where government actors, including the Biden administration, have been caught pressuring technology companies to do their bidding. “Using ...
  • We’re calling on grandparents across the nation to stand for their grandchildren’s futures by becoming a Generational Guardian today. As the media and many schools inundate young people’s minds with dangerous ideologies that lead to gender confusion and skyrocketing rates of depression and suicide—it’s up to us to intervene. You know the truth. Will you pledge to be a beacon of love and truth to the next generation by becoming a Generational Guardian today? The future of our nation depends on it. “YES! I will be there for my grandchildren, be involved in their lives, and be a beacon of love ...
  • Some states are denying people of faith from adopting and fostering children because of these families’ beliefs about gender and sexuality.