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Showing 259 results for "public schools advance pro abortion lgbt agenda"
  • … Parent-Child Relationship Takes Backseat to Biden Agenda Despite the Biden administration’s claims, the … all others—do know what is best for their children. It is pro-children to support parental rights. The government … … Biden administration … Joe Biden … parental rights … public school … Parent-Child Relationship Takes Backseat to …
  • … U.K. Stifles Prayer with Public Spaces Protection Orders So-called ‘buffer zones’ in the U.K. are censoring people with pro-life convictions. Written by Grant Atkinson Published … orders have been enacted to create censorship zones around abortion facilities, banning the broadly defined act of …
  • … Supreme Court Upholds Prayer at Public Meetings The Supreme Court affirmed the Town of … December 5, 2022 Revised May 21, 2024 Before each public meeting of the Town Council, the Town of Greece, New … the practice of allowing volunteers to pray before each public meeting of the town council. The town had a directory …
  • … concern over what is going on in their children’s schools—both online and in person at their local school board … … gender … gender dysphoria … gender identity … k-12 … LGBT … Madison … Madison Metropolitan School District … parental rights … parenting … public school … transgender … Wisconsin … Wisconsin Institute …
  • … the racially discriminatory policies of Albemarle County Public Schools. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published … based on their race. And they demand that all people advance their theory by becoming “anti-racist.” Anyone who …
  • … New York Bureaucrats Lose After Labeling Gospel Message ‘Public Nuisance’ Daniel Burritt challenged a New York … groups including Bronx Household of Faith from renting public spaces for worship services, even though other groups … NYDOT regulations by encroaching 12 feet onto the public right of way, failing to get a permit for his trailer, …
  • … Vermont Can’t Discriminate Against Religious Schools Officials in Vermont tried to exclude religious … at issue in Vermont? In Vermont, not every town has a public high school. So, to make sure that every student has … where towns provide funding for students to attend a public school in another town or enroll at a private school. …
  • … Should Schools Notify Parents if Their Child Claims to Be … freedom. And ADF is ready to defend the rights of public schools and other secular schools, who are still in … attempts to expand the scope of Title IX to require all public schools “to adopt gender-identity-indoctrinating …
  • … Fired for Telling the Truth South Madison Community Schools fired counselor Kathy McCord after she spoke to a … Freedom Published May 18, 2023 Revised January 12, 2024 Public school employees, just like all Americans, have the … surrender this right simply because they choose to work in public education. But when an Indiana school district …
  • … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life The so-called ‘birth control … mandate’ established under Obamacare illegally forced schools to violate their beliefs. Written by Alliance … employer funding for pills and devices that can facilitate abortion by preventing a fertilized egg from developing. …