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Showing 2364 results for "home about"
  • … Concluded U.S. District Courts Holston United Methodist Home for Children v. Becerra Details Videos Commentary … Profiles Summary A Tennessee Christian children’s home filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden administration … beliefs or lose needed funding. Holston United Methodist Home for Children is a nationally accredited Christian …
  • … an employee who refused to comply with a Michigan funeral home’s sex-specific dress code, which requires employees to … John Bursch : What the ACLU didn’t tell you at the Emmys about the Harris Supreme Court case ( Washington Examiner , … families be forced to deal with a cross-dressing funeral home employee? ( Daily Caller , 2018-11-25) Case Profiles …
  • … Court The Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | Trump v. Commonwealth … … The Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | Trump v. Commonwealth … Case:The Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania … abortion … The Little …
  • Faith-based adoption provider New Hope Family Services places children in homes with a married mother and father. New York State targeted them for that.
  • … if the coming day will bring them a family and a permanent home. For thousands of years, families have felt called to … beliefs, children are harmed. These kids need a forever home—not political ideology. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE Learn More about Foster Care and Adoption Religious Discrimination Hurts …
  • … also shuts down the center’s ability to communicate about its religious beliefs on its website and on other signs … also shuts down the center’s ability to communicate about its religious beliefs on its website and on other signs …
  • … Students don’t have to leave their faith at home Christian students – from kindergarten through college – … Handbook . … Students don’t have to leave their faith at home … 3514 … 3513 … Student Rights Handbook …
  • In January 2015, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration on behalf of a pro-life Vermont man after he lost his private health plan due to Obamacare and was forced on to the state exchange.
  • ADF attorneys serving as co-counsel with Kansas attorney general’s office urge state court to uphold pro-life, pro-woman law
  • ADF attorneys ask the court to stop New York from using a “nondiscrimination” law to force this Christian adoption ministry to violate its beliefs.