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Showing 3432 results for "detailspages case details catholic charities west michigan v michigan department of health human services"
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Catholic Charities West Michigan v. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Details Videos Documents Resources Profiles Summary Catholic … offering a wide array of services for more than 70 years. Case Documents Court Title Date Trial Court Judgment …
  • of Florida v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Details Documents Profiles Summary After the Biden … in health care, the state of Florida, along with the Catholic Medical Association as a co-party, sued the U.S. … treatment of and payment for dangerous procedures.  Case Documents Court Title Date Trial Court Order 7/3/2024 …
  • … Supreme Court U.S. Department of Health and Human Services v. State of Florida Details Documents Summary The Alliance Defense Fund’s legal … the employers object on moral or religious grounds. Case Documents Court Title Date U.S. Supreme Court U.S. …
  • … Active U.S. Courts of Appeals State of Tennessee v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Details Documents Profiles Summary In 2021, the Biden … challenging the Biden administration to restore funding. Case Documents Court Title Date Appellate Court Amicus Brief …
  • … Active U.S. Courts of Appeals State of Oklahoma v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Details Documents Profiles Summary In 2021, the Biden … challenging the Biden administration to restore funding. Case Documents Court Title Date Appellate Court U.S. Court of
  • … Lost State Supreme Court Cole v. Arkansas Department of Human Services  Details Documents Resources Summary The Arkansas Supreme … the persons are opposite-sex or same-sex individuals. Case Documents Court Title Date State Supreme Court Arkansas …
  • … General of the State of Michigan || In re Jarzynka Details Documents Profiles Summary Planned Parenthood and … the U.S. Supreme Court  might  overturn  Roe v. Wade . Case Documents Court Title Date Appellate Court Right to Life of Michigan and Michigan Catholic Conference's brief in support of motion to intervene …
  • … U.S. District Courts State of Texas and Mayo Pharmacy v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary The Biden … if doing so violates their religious beliefs, as is the case of Mayo Pharmacy and its owner, Dr. Kevin Martian. Case
  • … State Supreme Court Morrisey v. Women's Health Center of West Virginia Details Documents Profiles Summary Abortionists in West … that protects unborn lives from the moment of conception. Case Documents Court Title Date State Supreme Court Opening …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Women's Health Center of West Virginia v. Sheth Details Documents Profiles Summary A West Virginia abortion … law designed to protect unborn lives and women’s health. Case Documents Court Title Date Trial Court Plaintiffs' …