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Showing 542 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2018 07 10 get to know supreme court nominee judge brett kavanaugh"
  • … of Appeals Green v. Haskell County Board of Commissioners Details Documents Profiles Summary In 2006, the American … Union, on behalf of a single individual, filed suit to remove a Ten Commandments monument located on the Haskell … August 2006, a federal district court judge ruled that the 10 Commandments monument was constitutional; however, the …
  • … Concluded State Supreme Court Neely v. Wyoming Commission on Judicial Conduct and Ethics Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary In December 2014, a small-town Wyoming reporter set out to expose Judge Ruth Neely’s religious beliefs about …
  • … District Courts L.W. v. Knox County Board of Education  Details Documents Summary After an unnamed parent complained, … and discussing the Bible during non-instructional time to stop. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys and allied attorneys represent a 10-year-old student in the case. Case Documents Court Title …
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court Southern Nazarene University v. Azar Details Videos Documents Profiles Summary Southern Nazarene … that accommodates petitioners' religious exercise." In May 2018, the district court enjoined the federal government from … Court 1/4/2016 U.S. Supreme Court Petitioner's Reply Brief 10/13/2015 U.S. Supreme Court Petition for writ of certiorari …
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court 303 Creative v. Elenis Details Videos Commentary Documents FAQs Resources Profiles … Elenis Is a Win for Everyone | Ricochet Lathan Watts July 07, 2023 I won my fight for free speech at the Supreme Court, … 5/17/2019 Appellate Court 10th Circuit order and judgment (2018) 8/14/2018 Appellate Court Appellants’ supplemental …
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court Town of Greece v. Galloway Details Videos Documents Resources Profiles Summary Asking … because many of the citizens who volunteered chose to say Christian prayers. The two residents demanded that the … Court Petitioner’s Supreme Court reply brief on the merits 10/22/2013 U.S. Supreme Court Amicus brief - Becket Fund for …
  • … Courts of Appeals Colorado Christian University v. Weaver Details Documents Profiles Summary The Colorado Commission on … that the school was "pervasively sectarian." The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit ruled that Colorado … firm of Rothgerber, Johnson & Lyons filed suit in federal court against state officials. . Case Documents Court Title …
  • Supreme Court Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer Details Videos Commentary Documents FAQs Resources Profiles … Program that recycles scrap tire material in an attempt to reduce the amount of tires in landfills. Trinity’s … a broad precedent for religious freedom. In October 2018, children at the Learning Center were finally able to
  • … Won U.S. Courts of Appeals Newland v. Burwell Details Videos Documents Resources Profiles Summary William … up in the Great Depression, William knew what it was like to go without. Even during tough economic times, Hercules … upholding preliminary injunction: Newland v. Sebelius 10/3/2013 Appellate Court Appellees’ supplemental brief: …
  • … Utah Highway Patrol Association v. American Atheists Details Documents Summary An atheist group began fighting to remove the crosses, which honor fallen troopers, in 2007. … U.S. Supreme Court Cert Denial, Dissent by Justice Thomas 10/31/2011 U.S. Supreme Court Amicus brief for U.S. Supreme