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Showing 81 results for "about us leadership"
  • … Culture Here at Alliance Defending Freedom, we often talk about securing “Generational Wins” through our work in the … in this video have experienced this firsthand. Join us as we defend these clients and protect their freedom to … 17528 … 3129 … 3131 … 3132 … 19004 … 9929 … 3134 … 3136 … About Us
  • … Contact Us Today Request legal assistance or ask legal questions … 480-444-0025 Legal Fax: 480-444-0028 Other Ways to Contact Us All General Inquiries & Comments Request Legal Help … Blackstone Legal Fellowship Grants & Funding … … Contact Us Today … 3425 … Contact Us
  • … when it removed these crucial safeguards. Read More About the Case Coming Soon Oral Arguments Livestream Tuesday, … for Abortion Drugs article What the FDA Hasn't Told You About Mifepristone article FDA's Reckless Actions Enable Sex … the Team Do you want to support our work? Your gift helps us take on more cases that reshape the legal landscape and …
  • … do—as we have done—the hard things to which God has called us with the expectation that He will accomplish His purposes. … Your Rights 4,800 Network Attorneys Meet the Team Leadership Attorneys Board Founders Has taxonomy term … … 20404 … 19690 … 19829 … 19691 … 19692 … 19700 … 21589 … About - Alliance Defending Freedom …
  • … Stand with Us Thank you for updating your information Your generous … and terms and conditions of, the website of a US based organization. If you would prefer to contact ADF … Financial Accountability (ECFA) since 1995. … Stand with Us … 16819 … 16820 … Donate - Update Credit Card …
  • … When you partner with us, you join an alliance Thank you for helping make victory … were discriminated against for living out their beliefs about marriage and banned from the market. With the help of … legislatures, and the public square—you’ll find us on the frontlines.     “I say it every chance I get: ADF …
  • … Women’s Health Organization . And now everyone is talking about the future of abortion in America. But how did we get …
  • … The Truth About the SPLC The Southern Poverty Law Center is a … image have been mired in scandal. One former leadership official admitted that the group’s goal was not to … employee Bob Moser wrote that “it was hard, for many of us, not to feel like we’d become pawns in what was, in many …
  • … practices for religious freedom in the workplace. Servant Leadership: With Jesus Christ as our example, we will serve … Your faith makes you who you are - it impacts everything about the way you live your life, including the way you run …
  • … here . How can I help? The most important way you can help us is with your prayers and financial support. We face … out their faith. We also rely on you to spread the word about our work. Please share the stories and information on … school who would be interested in a summer internship and leadership program, inform them about Blackstone Legal …