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  • Professor Amy Wisner forced students to purchase a subscription to her own political activist group.
  • Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran knows what it means to face the fire—both literal flames and the rising tide of threats to freedom of speech and religious liberty. Despite his sterling credentials—Cochran once held the nation’s highest firefighting role as U.S. Fire Administrator for the United States Fire Administration—he was fired from his position as Atlanta’s fire chief. Why? Because the government didn’t approve of his message about biblical marriage and sexuality that he included in a brief passage in a self-published book he wrote. We stood with Chief Cochran, and after years ...
  • The Biden administration’s policies have put your freedoms in jeopardy. The administration is: Trying to force colleges and universities to open girls’ dorm rooms and locker rooms to males. Redefining “sex” in federal law to include “gender identity” and in doing so effectively robbing female athletes of opportunities and fairness in women’s sports, undermining parents’ rights to teach their children about sex, and violating the freedoms of speech and religion by compelling “preferred pronouns” in violation of free speech—and truth. Working to expand abortion access through chemical abortion ...
  • When you join with other friends of freedom to participate in the National Freedom Candle initiative, you can become part of our united effort to shine the light of freedom in the midst of hostility both near and far. Activists in the Biden administration, giant corporations, and state governments across the country are getting bolder in their attempts to restrict your freedoms: People are being targeted and punished for their faith in public schools, universities, and in the workplace. Children are also being misled into experimental “gender transition” procedures, are being indoctrinated ...
  • Planned Parenthood has repeatedly prioritized its profits over the lives of women and children. People deserve to know the truth about Planned Parenthood.
  • ADF attorneys join diverse coalition of legal advocacy groups in filing friend-of-the-court brief
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp, director of the ADF Center for Legislative Advocacy, regarding Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte’s signing Thursday of HB 676, a bill that strengthens the freedom of parents to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children: “Parents have the right to raise and educate their children, consistent with their beliefs and values, without fear of being unjustly punished by the government. It’s in kids’ best interests for parents to be involved any time a child faces serious issues at school ...
  • South Madison Community Schools fired counselor Kathy McCord after she spoke to a journalist about a deceptive policy.
  • The Supreme Court unanimously struck down a Massachusetts law that silenced pro-life advocates such as Eleanor McCullen.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom CEO, President, and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding ADF’s annual Edwin Meese III Originalism & Religious Liberty Award ceremony Thursday. This year’s award recipients are Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch and Michael Farris, former CEO of ADF: “The Meese Award is the highest award ADF bestows. Attorney General Edwin Meese worked tirelessly to ensure constitutional fidelity through originalism, correctly viewing it as ‘critical to the protection of religious liberty.’ General Meese’s commitment to originalism ...