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  • ADF attorneys available for media interviews following hearing Thursday
  • On behalf of Alliance Defending Freedom, I want to thank you for your generous support. You’ve chosen to partner with the growing alliance of those who are paving the way for freedom. This is a generational work—achieving significant victories that change the law and culture of our nation. So that we hand our children and grandchildren an America that respects and values its foundational freedoms. You’re helping to ensure we’re there to defend Americans who are living out their faith, and paying a high price for doing so. Artists like graphic designer Lorie Smith, cake artist Jack Phillips ...
  • The censorship at America’s colleges and universities must stop. And we need your support to bring First Amendment freedoms back to our nation’s campuses. A university is supposed to be a “marketplace” for ideas. Unfortunately, more and more college campuses are silencing students through discriminatory policies, speech codes, and even no-contact orders. Maggie DeJong’s story is case in point. As a graduate student in art therapy counseling at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE), Maggie wanted an education that would make her the best counselor she could be. Just like many of her ...
  • Your freedom of speech is under threat, and it's time to take a stand together! The First Amendment, a cornerstone of our Constitution, guarantees your right to express your thoughts and opinions without fear of government punishment. Alliance Defending Freedom is here for you. We understand not every American feels equipped to address the topic of free speech. Not only does our team of legal experts understand its intricacies, but we also actively stand for Americans whose rights have been challenged. And—we are effective. We win nearly 80% of our cases. These wins are crucial for you to live ...
  • Dr. James Cantor lays out what the scientific evidence says (and doesn’t say) about the effects of ‘transitioning’ minors.
  • The duty to notify parents arises from parents’ right to direct their children’s upbringing, care, and education.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Christiana Kiefer regarding the introduction Thursday of a resolution introduced by Sen. Joni Ernst celebrating the expansion of opportunities for female athletes since the enactment of Title IX and recognizing the need to preserve fairness in women’s sports: “For more than 50 years, Title IX has protected equal athletic opportunities for women. Sadly, the Biden administration is threatening those opportunities by pretending that men do not have a significant advantage over women when it comes to athletics. As ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Chris Smith’s introduction of companion resolutions celebrating the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which reversed the court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision: “The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs was a major victory for unborn children and their mothers. There is not, and has never been, a constitutional right to take the life of an innocent unborn child. Dobbs was a win for life and a win for ...
  • $4.6 MILLION FISCAL YEAR-END GOAL Your God-given rights are facing mounting threats. There’s too much at stake to be silent. Please stand with us in this critical moment. Your right to live and speak the truth is at risk. Religious freedom is being restricted. Free speech is being muzzled. The rights of the family are being suppressed. Alliance Defending Freedom is in courts nationwide, holding accountable government officials who are misusing the justice system to coerce and silence their ideological opponents. Thanks be to God, we’ve won 15 victories at the U.S. Supreme ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom CEO, President, and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding the U.S. Congress’s reintroduction Wednesday of the deceptively named “Equality Act,” legislation that threatens religious freedom, fairness and safety for women and girls, and the ability of everyday Americans to live in alignment with their beliefs: “Our nation’s laws should respect the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of every American citizen. The deceptively named ‘Equality Act’ hides behind promises of tolerance and empowerment, but, in practice, it ...