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Showing 3103 results for "intervarsity chapter can remain campus now"
  • … Summary Colorado State University officials denied the campus Students for Life chapter access to funds from mandatory student activity fees … University officials denied the campus Students for Life chapter access to funds from mandatory student activity fees …
  • … two small zones that make up less than 0.03 percent of the campus. University officials told members of the Turning Point USA chapter at the school that they couldn’t talk to other … University officials told members of the Turning Point USA chapter at the school that they couldn’t talk to other …
  • … prompting a lawsuit from the Young Americans for Freedom chapter on campus. Case Documents Court Title Date Trial Court Dismissal … prompting a lawsuit from the Young Americans for Freedom chapter on campus. … 7632 … 7631 … 7620 … 7627 … 7628 … 7617 …
  • … Summary Queens College Students for Life and other campus groups applied to the college for “registered” status, … 2017 The Berkeley Riot Expresses Dominant Anti-American Campus Culture Casey Mattox February 06, 2017 More Commentary … View Profile … Queens College Students for Life and other campus groups applied to the college for “registered” status, …
  • ADF to US Supreme Court: Protect NYC workers from discriminatory COVID-19 vaccine mandate
  • … of conduct simply for setting up a table to promote the campus chapter of Turning Point USA. The lawsuit prompted the state … simply for setting up a table to promote the campus chapter of Turning Point USA. The lawsuit prompted the state …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom files lawsuit to outlaw religious speech ban
  • … he tried to hold a Christian sign and hand out tracts on campus, a campus police officer threatened him with arrest … for the rights of students like Ryan Dozier so that they can share their ideas freely in the outdoor areas of college … for the rights of students like Ryan Dozier so that they can share their ideas freely in the outdoor areas of college …
  • … Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to allow the churches to remain in NYC public schools, more than 50 churches could … Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to allow the churches to remain in NYC public schools, more than 50 churches could …
  • A New Hampshire court has ordered the state to release numerous documents related to the state’s funding of abortion facilities and its continuing failure to regulate them.