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  • Nevada church faced unfair gathering restrictions. ADF sued state officials to uphold religious freedom for churches.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding Gov. Joe Lombardo’s veto Monday of SB 239, a bill that would have legalized physician-assisted suicide and forced medical professionals to participate in ending the lives of their patients: “Every life is sacred and has inherent value. Physician-assisted suicide is neither compassionate nor an appropriate solution for those who are suffering—it ends an innocent human life without justification. Furthermore, many bills that legalize physician-assisted suicide, including Senate Bill 239 ...
  • “This is a significant win. There is no constitutional right to gamble, but there is one that protects attending worship services..."
  • ADF attorneys represent church challenging coronavirus restrictions that allow more people to play slots than gather for worship
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of U.S. Litigation David Cortman regarding Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak’s new guidance that allows churches to hold gatherings of 250 people or 50% capacity, whichever is less, while still allowing casinos to operate at 50% capacity without a hard cap on the number of casino goers: “The First Amendment requires churches not be treated like second-class citizens. Even with the governor’s new order allowing churches to gather in greater numbers, the problem remains: There is still a hard cap on ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel David Cortman regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision Friday declining to immediately halt enforcement of Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak’s discriminatory restrictions on churches during the coronavirus pandemic: “The First Amendment requires the government to treat religious organizations, at a minimum, the same as comparable secular organizations. When the government treats churches worse than casinos, gyms, and indoor amusement parks in its COVID-19 response, it clearly violates the Constitution. As Justice ...
  • RENO, Nev. – Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing a church filed an emergency application with the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday that asks it to immediately halt enforcement of Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak’s unbalanced restrictions on churches as part of the state’s reopening plans during the coronavirus pandemic. Sisolak’s rule allows casinos, restaurants, bars, theme parks, and gyms to operate at 50% capacity but restricts churches to gatherings of 50 or fewer people regardless of building size. Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley in rural Lyon County is asking the high court to halt the ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Ryan Tucker, director of the ADF Center for Christian Ministries, regarding ADF’s appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on behalf of Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, a Nevada church challenging Gov. Steve Sisolak’s church gathering ban that allows casinos, restaurants, theme parks, and gyms to operate at 50% capacity but restricts churches to gatherings of 50 or fewer people: “If crowds of hundreds to thousands of people can meet in casinos for hours to play the slots or blackjack, then churches ...
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nevada treated churches such as Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley worse than casinos.
  • ADF to court: Revised gathering ban treats churches worse than casinos