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  • Chicago-area families seek to defend student privacy from ACLU lawsuit
  • ADF attorneys are co-counsel in defense of state’s Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act
  • ADF challenges the DOE and the DOJ's unlawful promulgation of new Title IX rules.
  • The American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia sued the Gloucester County School Board in Virginia over its policy that protects students’ privacy and safety by reserving restrooms and changing areas for members of the same biological sex.
  • ADF represents students, parents challenging opening of locker rooms, showers to opposite sex based on federal agency falsehoods, threats
  • Texas and multiple other states filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s directive to public schools.
  • The Hope Center is a Christian non-profit organization that offers job skills training, daily meals, laundry, and clothing for the homeless men and women in Anchorage – all free of charge. It also offers a free overnight shelter for women – many of whom are trying to escape from abusive situations and even from sex trafficking.
  • When Alexis heard about the lawsuit, she knew that she was called to join. Why? Because she felt that her voice brought something different—and needed—to the conversation. A female’s perspective on privacy needed to be heard.
  • Alliance Defending freedom filed a federal lawsuit to protect an Iowa church's freedom to operate according to its faith without fear of punishment from the government.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of U.S. Litigation David Cortman regarding a decision Sunday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit in L.M. v. Town of Middleborough that affirms a Massachusetts school’s decision to forbid a middle school student from wearing two T-shirts to school that say, “There are only two genders” and “There are [censored] genders”: “Students don’t lose their free speech rights the moment they walk into a school building. This case isn’t about T-shirts; it’s about a public school telling a ...