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  • The late Sue Thayer had the courage to expose Planned Parenthood’s seedy tactics of manipulating expectant moms to choose abortion.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding the state of Virginia’s decision to change its position at the U.S. Supreme Court from opposing Mississippi’s law protecting life to supporting it in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: “With Virginia’s decision to reverse its position to support the right of states to protect life, respect women, and preserve the integrity of the medical profession, a majority of U.S. states now say Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, and that the Supreme Court should reverse its 1973 decision ...
  • ADF attorneys serve as co-counsel with MT attorney general in lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood
  • Unfortunately, this kind of extreme legislation is not unexpected: Roe v. Wade paved the way for it.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s signing Thursday of S. 49, a bill that drastically expands abortion in the state and endangers women’s health: “Every human life is valuable, precious, and worthy of full protection. Yet Gov. Phil Murphy just signed into law legislation that codifies a radical ‘right’ to abortion, allowing abortion for any reason up until birth and blocking future passage of commonsense and medically appropriate abortion regulations. This dangerous legislation is another ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding the oral arguments that took place Wednesday at the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: “Because life is a human right, the Supreme Court should uphold Mississippi’s law protecting unborn children and their mothers and overturn the decision in Roe v. Wade. It was clear today that the justices were carefully considering the arguments made, and we sincerely hope that the court reaches a result that protects life. Mississippi’s commonsense law upholds ...
  • WHO: Alliance Defending Freedom General Counsel Kristen Waggoner; Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Harle, director of the ADF Center for Life WHAT: Waggoner will be speaking at the Empower Women Promote Life rally organized by the Mississippi attorney general’s office; Harle will be available for media interviews while the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 1, beginning at 9 a.m. EST WHERE: Outside the U.S. Supreme Court, 1 First St. NE, Washington ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To schedule an interview ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Zack Pruitt regarding the U.S. House of Representatives’ approval Friday of President Biden’s and congressional Democrats’ extreme legislation: “Today, congressional Democrats once again made clear how aligned they are with the radical Left’s agenda by voting in favor of a bill that mandates taxpayer funding of abortion and may force faith-based childcare providers out of the system. For the second time this year, the House has passed budget language that fails to include the Hyde Amendment and other similar ...
  • ADF serves as co-counsel to pediatric nurse Sandra Rojas, court finds that Winnebago County violated Rojas’ rights under Illinois law
  • Court grants Right to Life of Central California request to halt enforcement of unconstitutional state law