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  • Photo artist told by civil rights commission to pay over $6,600 in attorneys’ fees for declining to photograph same-sex ceremony
  • SAN FRANCISCO — Today the California Supreme Court handed a huge victory to the millions of California voters who passed Proposition 22 and oppose same-sex "marriage." The court ruled 7-0 that the mayor and county clerk of San Francisco exceeded their authority when they defied state law and issued "marriage" licenses to same-sex couples. The court also ruled 5-2 that because San Francisco issued the licenses illegally, they are invalid. "The justices have restored the rule of law in California," said Alliance Defense Fund Senior Counsel Jordan Lorence, who argued the case Lewis v. Alfaro ...
  • SAN FRANCISCO—Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund will be available to the media for comment on the California Supreme Court decision in the case of Lewis v. Alfaro. ADF Senior Counsel Jordan Lorence, who argued before the California Supreme court in the case, will issue a statement and hold a press conference on the steps of the courthouse building at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. According to ADF Chief Counsel Benjamin Bull, Lewis v. Alfaro is a critical case for the rule of law in California and the nation. "The question in this case is whether elected public officials have to uphold and ...
  • SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund will be available to the media at the California Supreme Court Tuesday to comment on oral arguments in the case of Lewis v. Alfaro. ADF Chief Counsel Benjamin Bull will be in San Francisco at the courthouse, as will ADF Senior Counsel Jordan Lorence and ADF Senior Counsel Glen Lavy. According to Chief Counsel Benjamin Bull, Lewis v. Alfaro, the original action filed by ADF in the California Supreme Court, is a critical case for the rule of law in California and the nation. "The San Francisco mayor cannot unilaterally declare a ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Jim Campbell regarding a determination by the director of the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights that a Christian ministry engaged in “wrongdoing” for abiding by its faith: “The government should not be able to force a Christian organization to use its property in a way that would violate its own religious beliefs. Both the U.S. and New Jersey constitutions protect the freedom of faith-based groups to use their property in a manner consistent with those beliefs. That freedom trumps any state law that conflicts ...
  • Legal team defending California marriage amendment files final brief with U.S. Supreme Court
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Austin R. Nimocks regarding the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act in United States v. Windsor: “The Supreme Court got it wrong in saying that a state that has redefined marriage can force that definition on the federal government. The federal government should be able to define what marriage is for federal law just as states need to be able to define what marriage is for state law. Americans should be able to continue advancing the truth about ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Austin R. Nimocks regarding the California Supreme Court’s decision Wednesday in Hollingsworth v. O’Connell to deny the petition to uphold the state’s voter-approved marriage amendment: “Elected officials should enforce the law. Though the current California officials are unwilling to enforce the state constitution, we remain hopeful that one day Californians will elect officials who will. It is unfortunate that the California Supreme Court chose not to decide the important, still-unresolved questions about the ...
  • Judge says artist cannot sue against part of law, will pause rest of suit until US Supreme Court ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop
  • Attorneys representing owners of Telescope Media Group will ask appeals court to reinstate lawsuit