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Showing 6 results for "michigan schools try silence prayer"
  • … churches are being told when and how they can meet. Public schools and athletic associations are allowing boys who …
  • President Biden's private employer COVID-19 mandate ignores the Constitution. Alliance Defending Freedom is challenging this government overreach. Support ADF Now Americans may have different opinions about COVID-19 vaccines, but every American should agree that the government’s national private employer vaccine mandate is a vast and unlawful power grab by the executive branch. The Biden administration has followed through on its promised vaccine mandate for private employers and it violates federal law and the U.S. Constitution. Alliance Defending Freedom is suing the administration ...
  • … parents and children. Public School Curricula: Many public schools are indoctrinating students in harmful views of human … into classrooms. Medical Decision- Making: Some public schools encourage students to identify as the opposite sex at … 12 states Do not allow parents to be involved in their schools' sex ed curriculum. Source: Heritage Foundation, May …
  • Activists and government officials are taking brash actions to indoctrinate the next generation in critical race and gender theories. “I support Alliance Defending Freedom because it is a fearless champion for liberty and has a solid track record of wins from state courts to the United States Supreme Court fighting for conservatives and Christians.” -- Erick Erickson Activists and government officials are taking brash actions to indoctrinate the next generation in critical race and gender theories. But in Virginia, they’re being challenged by three brave teachers who are standing for truth ...
  • Thank you for your generous gift! Your gift helps real people who want to freely live out their faith. Meet some of the people you are impacting! After 8 Years of Legal Battles and 2 Wins, Jack Phillips is STILL Being Sued Learn More Teachers Stand Up Against Harmful Loudoun County School District Policy Learn More Barronelle Stutzman Might Have a Chance at Justice Learn More
  • ADF defends all our clients FREE of charge and is able to do so through the generous gifts of people like you. Help ADF stand for people like you and make your tax-deductible gift today. Meet some of our clients “Alliance Defending Freedom is a firewall against tyranny. America is stronger, freer and more faithful because they fight to win." -Charlie Kirk ADF Client - Loudoun County School Teachers A district policy forces teachers to violate their beliefs by requiring them to address “gender-expansive or transgender students” in a manner inconsistent with their biological sex. In other words ...