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Showing 87 results for "detailspages press release details drawing line colorado artist prohibited from disagreeing with govt about marriage files suit"
  • Marriage and Family ISSUES Marriage & Family Marriage and … we believe government policy should reflect the truth about God’s created order: that biological differences … are challenging an Alabama law that protects children from harmful and unnecessary procedures. B.P.J. v. West …
  • … Culture Here at Alliance Defending Freedom, we often talk about securing “Generational Wins” through our work in the … so that the victory endures for generations to come. With God’s blessing (John 15:5) and the prayers and support … below.  Life Is Safeguarded Guaranteeing the right to life from conception to natural death. Religious Freedom Prevails …
  • … to do the same. ADF will walk boldly into the wind with resilience and with courage. We will do—as we have … committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of … … 20404 … 19690 … 19829 … 19691 … 19692 … 19700 … 21589 … About - Alliance Defending Freedom …
  • … The Docket: News and Commentary Articles from ADF What Is Religious Freedom? Religious freedom is not … for The Docket … The Docket: News and Commentary Articles from ADF … 3433 … Articles - Must Read …
  • … for women and girls in sports must be upheld. Press Release Explainer Case Documents   Date Filed: July 11, 2024 … that celebrate marriage between a man and a woman, but Colorado made clear she wasn’t welcome in that space. …
  • … of Alliance Defending Freedom Issue Archive Subscribe A Colorado artist looks to the U.S. Supreme Court to defend her … She hurriedly canceled her transaction, swerved out of line, and bounced over the nearest curb. Speeding away, … at each other. Sen. Ted Cruz greets Lorie Smith at a June press conference demonstrating congressional support for her …
  • … Another sob. “I can’t even kill myself,” she thought. With or without the bullet, her life seemed to be at an end. … was very, very exciting.” None of which dissuaded Kathy from taking a well-paying job at a local abortion clinic, … with that — people who support us have a direct line into saying where their money is going and how it’s …
  • … that, protecting women’s sports and equal opportunities. Press Release Explainer: BPJ v. West Virginia Explainer: Hecox v. … all, ADF attorneys filed a supplemental notice with the Colorado Supreme Court, asking it to apply that ruling and …
  • … Flowers , which involved Barronelle Stutzman, a floral artist who faithfully served a client for nearly a decade but … principle at stake in these cases is that we all have a line and that everyone should decide for themselves what … violate their deepest convictions. Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (2018) Colorado punished …
  • … Joanna and Breanna learned that a Phoenix law bans them from expressing certain religious beliefs and forces them to … Koski Owners of Brush & Nib Sisters in Christ Lettering Artist Avid Painter See the Whole Story Shortly after … marriage as a union between one man and one woman. But a Colorado law would force her to create websites celebrating …