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Showing 8 results for "dana hodges"
  • One woman brings her own tragic history to the fight to change her state’s aggressive abortion laws
  • The privacy and confidence of our users and donors is important to Alliance Defending Freedom (“ADF”), so we want you to know how we collect, store, and use your personal information.
  • Families flourish when governments protect the central role of parents in their children’s lives.
  • Our culture has taken a profound turn. Activists are chipping away at our country's foundation for faith and freedom. It's evident anytime you watch the news or read the latest headlines. You may even see it in your own community. But, you don't have to sit on the sidelines and allow this to happen. You can help defend faith and freedom by joining an active network of ADF volunteers.
  • A Colorado artist looks to the U.S. Supreme Court to defend her right to speak freely
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has degenerated into a discredited and scandal-ridden racket that its own employee described as “a highly profitable scam.” Here are the top facts that the SPLC doesn’t want you to know.
  • Get the latest news on Alliance Defending Freedom’s cases, headlines, articles, media, and more.