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Showing 2190 results for "for attorneys casesnew overview grace schools v burwell"
  • … #20 COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed suit in federal court Friday on behalf of a … and discuss religious topics during free time as they have for the past three years. School officials claimed the … which protects the students’ religious speech. “Public schools should encourage the free exchange of ideas. Instead, …
  • … children Va. school district denies honor society credit for student’s community service because event was religious … School Board ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Alliance Defense Fund attorneys filed suit in federal court Tuesday on behalf of an … service and leadership like this should be encouraged by schools, not subjected to unconstitutional discrimination.” …
  • … 6th Circuit in favor of lifting Michigan mask mandate for religious schools John Bursch available to media following oral … are no longer subject. On Monday, the court granted ADF attorneys’ request to participate in oral arguments after …
  • … ADF attorneys appeal Ten Commandments ruling Attorneys reviewing … Published June 9, 2009 Related Case: Green v. Haskell County Board of Commissioners DENVER — Attorneys … ruling of a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit after it reversed a lower court decision …
  • … ADF attorneys: Ten Commandments monument at Texas Capitol … case Published February 2, 2005 Related Case: Van Orden v. Perry WASHINGTON— Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund … that coercion—not endorsement—should be the proper test for whether a religious message in a public context violates …
  • … ADF attorneys file lawsuit against school district’s censorship …    Published March 21, 2007 Related Case: Zamecnik v. Indian Prairie School District #204 CHICAGO — Attorneys … to wear shirts the previous day to show their support for homosexual behavior as part of the “Day of Silence,” …
  • … Loudoun County Schools sued after suspending teacher for speaking at public school board meeting ADF attorneys represent elementary school teacher Tanner Cross …
  • … Broad support filed at 6th Circuit for MI Catholic school Christian, Jewish, Islamic groups … of Jesus Parish v. Nessel . Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and its … our communities,” a  brief  filed by Classical Christian Schools explains. A  brief  from the Jewish Coalition for
  • … ADF attorneys appeal ruling against halting flawed sign ordinance … in Ariz. Published October 27, 2008 Related Case: Reed v. Town of Gilbert … constitutional flaws. “Churches should not be singled out for discrimination by a city’s sign ordinances,” said ADF …
  • … like cursing School district deems student’s well-wishes for classmates ‘too religious,’ case appealed to full 2nd …   |  Jeremy Tedesco NEW YORK — Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys have asked the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the … her words, as written, “sounded ‘too religious.’” “Public schools should encourage, not shut down, the free exchange of …