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Showing 86 results for "News PRDetail 4650"
  • 15-year-old West Virginia athlete Adaleia Cross has loved sports all her life. But now, her love has turned to pain. Adaleia has been forced to compete against—and share a locker room with—a male teammate who identifies as a girl. In the locker room and out on the track, the male athlete also regularly made vile, sexual, threatening, and demeaning remarks to Adaleia and other girls. These remarks are too explicit to quote for you here. No girl should be made to endure what Adaleia has, yet the federal government’s new Title IX rule changes will allow men into women’s locker rooms and restrooms ...
  • 15-year-old West Virginia athlete Adaleia Cross has loved sports all her life. But now, her love has turned to pain. Adaleia has been forced to compete against—and share a locker room with—a male teammate who identifies as a girl. In the locker room, the male athlete also regularly made vile, sexual, threatening, and demeaning remarks to Adaleia and other girls. These remarks are too explicit to quote for you here. No girl should be made to endure what Adaleia has, yet the federal government’s new Title IX rules allow men into women’s locker rooms and restrooms. These are the harms that happen ...
  • We're in a new stage in the fight for life. With Roe v. Wade out of the way, state and federal lawmakers are now empowered to protect life, but there is growing opposition to defending women and their unborn children. And there’s still so much work to do. Your gift to Alliance Defending Freedom today will help: Stand up to the Biden administration’s unlawful actions and defend states’ pro-life laws. The Biden administration is manipulating federal law to try to override Idaho’s Defense of Life Act and force emergency room doctors to perform abortions. Idaho’s law protects the lives of women ...
  • Bryan and Rebecca Gantt were faithful foster parents to children in need for seven years—until the state of Vermont revoked their license because of their Christian beliefs. Pastor Bryan and Rebecca opened their hearts and home to love the most vulnerable among us: children without stable families who were born with drug dependencies and special needs. They adopted three children from the foster-care system and inspired other families to foster, too. Then, the state of Vermont insisted the Gantts comply with new foster-parent licensing policies that would require them to profess the state’s ...
  • Hello friends. As we step into 2024, I want to let you know how thankful I am for you and your support. 2023 was a turbulent year for Americans, with continued threats to our God-given right to live and speak the Truth, plus a challenging economy and deep instability around the world. In our cultural moment, speaking and acting truthfully—with love—is vital. You chose to stand with Alliance Defending Freedom in your end-of-year giving. From our entire team, thank you. We know that none of our victories—not a single one—are possible apart from the grace of God and the support of Ministry ...
  • Parents nationwide are standing up for their children and their God-given freedoms. Will you stand with them? DEFEND PARENTAL RIGHTS How would you feel if your child was being taught to treat other children differently based on the color of their skin? that whether someone will be successful in life is based on whether they are black or white? that their skin color determines whether they are an “oppressor” or “oppressed”? And—most disturbingly—what if they were being taught this by their own school? Sadly, this is precisely the type of race-based division pushed on kids in many public schools ...