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Showing 4 results for "alice chao"
  • President Biden has promised to sign the “Equality Act” into law during his first 100 days if given the chance. Now, with its recent passage in the House, the chances of the “Equality Act” being signed into law are higher than ever before. The “Equality Act” would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes to many existing federal nondiscrimination laws. And though “nondiscrimination” sounds good in theory, that is not what this bill is truly about. The “Equality Act” is a deliberate and dangerous attempt to force people of faith to abandon their sincerely held beliefs ...
  • Saved From A Horrific Past, She Lives To Help Others Find Life
  • Government Officials Direct A Christian School To Choose Between Faith And Food
  • Targeted For Her Beliefs, An Art Therapist Pours Her Life Into Helping Hurting Youth