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Showing 54 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2016 12 05 buzzfeed backlash nothing is gained from intolerance"
  • 12 New Jersey Nurses After she was coerced into having an … to protecting life. But after a nurse was promoted from the special team that performed abortions, a new … "As long as you work here," their manager told the 12 nurses who openly protested, "you're going to have to do …
  • … to compel photographer to take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex marriage pro-abortion groups … Photography Studio v. City of Madison Image Amy Lawson is a 25 year-old evangelical Christian who seeks to honor God … and blog posts, Amy put a statement on her website in 2016 saying she wouldn’t photograph same-sex weddings. One of …
  • … Chelsey Nelson Another photographer is taking a stand for freedom — this time in Kentucky Case: … she photographs through sharing stories about them on her blog. It is Chelsey’s personal touch and skills that help … * Expiration * Expiration Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Expiration Year CVV * Check / Bank Account Routing Number …
  • … Presbyterian Church of North America, Geneva College is no stranger to ­­taking big risks for the sake of Christ. … challenging the mandate.  The case was argued in March of 2016.  In May 2016, the Supreme Court sent the cases back to … religious exercise." The Court also forbade the government from imposing fines on the challengers for failing to comply …
  • … Baptist University, and Mid-America Christian University - is one common mission: to educate and operate in service of … and five other similar cases, was argued in March of 2016. In May 2016, the Supreme Court sent the cases back to … 2018, the district court enjoined the federal government from enforcing the mandate against the universities, …
  • … her adoption, moving to Boyertown wasn't easy. Alexis is African American. She was one of less than a handful of … to a school instructor. But the school administration did nothing. Instead of listening to her concerns, the … … public school … Pennsylvania … Montgomery County … k-12 … gender … education … Case:Doe v. Boyertown Area School …
  • … resumed his post as Atlanta Fire Chief in 2010.    Kelvin is actively involved at Elizabeth Baptist Church, where he is … wrote “Who Told You That You Were Naked?" a book which details the state of man since the fall of Adam in the Book … of his book is that only in Christ can men be rescued from their fallen condition and fulfill their purpose as …
  • … because of their religious beliefs. They believe that life is sacred, and they can’t participate in the taking of human … Rhonda Mesler and Margo Thelen. After holding a 12-day federal trial with 22 witnesses and nearly 800 … to hear the Stormans’ case. Unfortunately, on June 28, 2016, the Court denied review. In the meantime, the Stormans …
  • … are and what they believe. "Creating beauty with a brush is something that puts a smile on my face. I love seeing all the tiny details come together to achieve a dramatic finish. It is so … and Breanna took the only viable option left. In May 2016, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit on their …
  • … service hours. He okayed that, but said I’d need approval from a faculty advisory committee. They, too, approved my … My church work really was a service to the community. Ours is a large, very diverse congregation, so every Sunday I … … Virginia … Sarah Stites … National Honor Society … k-12 … Fairfax County Public School Board … education … …