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Showing 59 results for "detailspages alliance alert details country mill farms ousted from mich farmers market for refusing to host gay weddings lawsuit"
  • Country Mill Farms Watch the story of the Tennes Family who was banned from the farmer’s market by the city of East Lansing simply …
  • … fruitcakes to raise funds, and Dr. Goode secured $1,000 from donors with just the first six fruitcakes he sent out. … of the Ozarks in 1990, and it has become known around the country for providing a quality, Christian education without … operating dorms in accordance with their faith. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys sued the Biden …
  • … same-sex wedding ceremonies. It even prevented them from explaining why they could only create art consistent … that puts a smile on my face. I love seeing all the tiny details come together to achieve a dramatic finish. It is so … and Breanna took the only viable option left. In May 2016, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit on their behalf …
  • … lawsuits against creative professionals all across the country, Amy filed a pre-enforcement challenge to gain … all requests for weddings and organizations and refrained from posting a particular statement on the studio’s website … her beliefs without fear of punishment.   Create Freely Alliance Defending Freedom is here to protect the right of …
  • … devastating storm. Later, they were taken in by a family from their church—and God used this difficult time in … be free to choose the messages they promote. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom is standing with Chelsey, … * First Name * Last Name * Address * City * State * Zip * Country * Email * Phone Keep me up-to-date on important …
  • … as their male counterparts. But now, in schools across our country, those opportunities are being stripped away from female athletes. These girls are losing their spots at … to Selina, Chelsea, and Alanna. And that’s exactly why Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit against the CIAC. …
  • … decade of ugly controversy over the rights of it’s owners to operate according to their faith. Case: Baker v. … to their faith.     A local wedding coordinator working for the inn falsely told a caller that the inn would not … into a charitable trust set up by the homosexual couple. Alliance Defending Freedom defended the O’Reillys in court, …
  • … and which animate her creativity. That’s why Lorie and Alliance Defending Freedom took her case to the U.S. Supreme … missing” in her life. What she knew of faith came mainly from extended family members, including her dad’s … not just for me but for all Americans across our great countryfor those who share my beliefs and for those who hold …
  • … School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, Alliance Defending Freedom helped Sarah Stites file suit … honor to be asked, but between classes, homework, cross country, drama club, and church activities, I really had too … service hours. He okayed that, but said I’d need approval from a faculty advisory committee. They, too, approved my …
  • … CASE UPDATE - August 23, 2019: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit has ruled in favor of the Minnesota … and challenge the state law. But they needed help. So Alliance Defending Freedom came alongside the Larsens to … violate your deepest convictions … that you are forbidden from living out or expressing your faith. In recent years, …