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Showing 1812 results for "ariz school district allow time planned parenthood opponents"
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed Monday with the U.S. Supreme Court in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo on behalf of Christian Employers Alliance. In the brief, ADF attorneys urge the court to hold federal agency officials accountable when they exceed their executive authority by imposing mandates and spending tax dollars that harm the unborn, devalue religious freedom, and contradict biological distinctions based on sex, all without congressional authorization: ...
  • … peaceable religious and conservative groups. We won’t allow the federal government to treat us like domestic … peaceable religious and conservative groups. We won’t allow the federal government to treat us like domestic …
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer, director of the ADF Center for Academic Freedom, regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed Wednesday with the Supreme Court of North Carolina in Mitchell v. The University of North Carolina Board of Governors, a case in which a college professor is challenging his termination from employment simply because he sent a letter to a colleague that was critical of her decision to deny funding for the professor and students to attend an academic conference: “American democracy thrives ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding proposed regulations the Biden administration announced Monday for implementing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s proposed rule hijacks the bipartisan law, which does not address abortion, to impose an abortion mandate on virtually every employer in the country, even those whose religious beliefs dictate that life begins at conception: “Congress sought to help pregnant workers, not force employers to facilitate abortions. The Biden ...
  • Numerous friend-of-the-court briefs filed with federal appeals court in support of state of Texas, pro-life physicians
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President for Appellate Advocacy John Bursch regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed Friday asking the U.S. Supreme Court to grant review in Villarreal v. Alaniz, a case in which a citizen journalist is challenging government officials who claim they can evade responsibility after violating her First Amendment rights: “All government officials have a duty to uphold the Constitution, and they are not immune from being held responsible if they illegally punish a citizen simply because ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Mathew Hoffmann regarding the State University of New York Cortland Student Government Association’s decision Monday to approve a Turning Point USA chapter as an officially recognized club after the student government originally voted to withhold recognized status from it: “SUNY Cortland students Gabriella Delorenzo and Megan Rothmund worked hard to form a TPUSA chapter at the university to bring together students who value freedom, free markets, and limited government. The Student Government Association rightly ...
  • ADF attorneys represent Young Americans for Freedom chapter in lawsuit
  • ADF attorneys representing Masterpiece Cakeshop cake artist ask state high court to uphold First Amendment rights of all artists
  • ADF attorneys available for media interviews following oral arguments Thursday