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  • Dirk and Petra Wunderlich had just settled their children in for the first homeschool lesson of the year. Suddenly, with no warning, the full force of the German government showed up to take their children away.
  • Why did the government attack a homeless ministry?
  • Professor pressured to refer to a male student as a woman.
  • Third-grader Lydia Booth was forced to remove her “Jesus Loves Me” mask, violating her free speech. Here’s how you can help.
  • Barronelle Stutzman’s story of continuing struggle for religious freedom should be alarming to every American who cherishes freedom, not just to Christians.
  • Another Photographer Is Taking a Stand for Freedom — This Time in Kentucky
  • Track athletes Selina Soule, Chelsea Mitchell, and Alanna Smith are taking a stand against harmful policies that allow male athletes to compete against women.
  • Web designer Lorie Smith is taking her case 303 Creative v. Elenis to the U.S. Supreme Court. Support her stand for free speech here.
  • Winning two cases, including a Supreme Court case, should have settled this. Yet cake artist Jack Phillips finds himself in court a third time.
  • The Hope Center is a Christian non-profit organization that offers job skills training, daily meals, laundry, and clothing for the homeless men and women in Anchorage – all free of charge. It also offers a free overnight shelter for women – many of whom are trying to escape from abusive situations and even from sex trafficking.