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Showing 559 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2017 02 03 ask president trump to fulfill his promise protect religious freedom"
  • … Peter and Paul Home v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | Trump v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Details Documents Profiles Summary A legal challenge to U.S. … Case Profiles Image John Bursch Senior Counsel, Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch is senior counsel …
  • … Supreme Court Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation Details Documents Summary President George W. Bush, by executive order, created the … of Faith Based Initiatives and several other offices to help faith-based groups to apply for and receive federal …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Young Americans for Freedom v. Bryant Details Documents Summary In 2010, Alliance Defending Freedom … denied Young Americans for Freedom members permission to distribute literature at a student fair. Citing PSBC …
  • … of Appeals Freedom From Religion Foundation v. Obama Details Documents Profiles Summary In 1952, President Harry Truman signed into law a joint resolution by Congress to set aside an annual National Day of Prayer. Congress …
  • … Alliance Defending Freedom v. Internal Revenue Service Details Documents Profiles Summary Alliance Defending Freedom … lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service for failing to produce records on its secret deal with an activist group … v. Internal Revenue Service … Pulpit Freedom Movement … religious freedom … pulpit freedom sunday … pastors … …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Young Americans for Freedom v. University of Florida Details Documents Profiles Summary The University of Florida failed to distribute money collected from mandatory student fees to
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Young Americans for Freedom of Kennesaw State University v. Harmon Details Documents Profiles Summary Kennesaw State University … Title Date Trial Court Complaint: Young Americans for Freedom of Kennesaw State University v. Harmon 3/5/2018 Case …
  • … District Courts University at Buffalo Young Americans for Freedom v. University at Buffalo Student Association Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary University at … of civil rights litigation and public advocacy experience to the team, securing the rights of the unborn and those who …
  • … New Yorkers for Religious Liberty v. City of New York Details Videos Documents Profiles Summary New York City has … Case Documents Court Title Date Appellate Court ADF letter to U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit 2/7/2023 … Case Profiles Image John Bursch Senior Counsel, Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch is senior counsel …
  • … v. Copyright Royalty Board and Librarian of Congress Details Documents Profiles Summary Religious broadcasters are … their speech by charging them exponentially higher rates to stream music online than secular National Public Radio … Case Profiles Image John Bursch Senior Counsel, Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch is senior counsel …