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Showing 184 results for "barronelle stutzmans story2 challenge"
  • … Summary A longtime customer and friend of floral artist Barronelle Stutzman asked her to design and create custom … attorney general filed an unprecedented lawsuit against Barronelle in both her professional and personal capacities, … wedding business. Shortly after that, the ACLU also sued Barronelle on behalf of the same-sex couple. After this, …
  • … law, the Larsens have chosen to file a pre-enforcement challenge. This means they filed a lawsuit before entering … law, the Larsens have chosen to file a pre-enforcement challenge. This means they filed a lawsuit before entering … … same-sex marriage … religious freedom … pre-enforcement challenge … Minnesota … marriage … free speech … free …
  • … … Brush & Nib Studio v. City of Phoenix … pre-enforcement challenge … same-sex marriage … religious freedom … marriage …
  • … … same-sex marriage … religious freedom … pre-enforcement challenge … marriage … free speech … free expression … …
  • … They politely declined and quickly filed a pre-enforcement challenge against the city ordinance that threatened them. … They politely declined and quickly filed a pre-enforcement challenge against the city ordinance that threatened them. … … 7657 … Knapp v. City of Coeur d'Alene … pre-enforcement challenge … same-sex marriage … religious freedom … …
  • … all across the country, Amy filed a pre-enforcement challenge to gain clarity whether these laws applied to her and to challenge these unjust laws before they could have been … all across the country, Amy filed a pre-enforcement challenge to gain clarity whether these laws applied to her …
  • … Christian Fellowship v. Williamson … pre-enforcement challenge … pastors … Massachusetts Commission Against …
  • Federal government requires two private, Christian liberal arts institutions to facilitate access to abortion-inducing drugs for their employees and students.
  • … … same-sex marriage … religious freedom … pre-enforcement challenge … photographer … marriage … Louisville … Kentucky … …
  • … funding.” Generally, federal taxpayers lack standing to challenge federal funding programs because they have not … lack standing under Article III of the Constitution to challenge the expenditures here as violating the … that they suffer from this program, then they cannot challenge it in court. Case Documents Court Title Date U.S. …