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  • Vanderbilt University’s nurse residency program forced nursing applicants to promise to do abortions, until Alliance Defending Freedom intervened to stop that illegal requirement.
  • State agrees to end six-year roadblock of pro-adoption group’s specialty pro-adoption plates
  • ADF secures decision ordering Mich. school district to allow elementary student and his mother to distribute flyers inviting classmates to Christian summer camp
  • Court strikes down law that prohibits messages which refer to ‘religion’ or ‘deity’
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys seek new trial, verdict reversal for 4th-grade student barred form reading Bible at recess
  • Augusta State University expels a graduate student because she expressed—and then refused to abandon—her Christian beliefs.
  • No more improper discrimination against Montana Family Foundation, previously barred from payroll deduction program
  • City of Stayton agrees to court order that stops ordinance from being misused to squelch free speech
  • Alliance Defending Freedom forces county library to change its meeting room policy to allow religious speakers to use library meeting rooms.
  • Southeastern Louisiana University has enforced a permit requirement and two-hours-per-week “free speech” policy against an outside Christian speaker